A plant of the genus Veronica
Look out for cowslips, violets and the bright blue speedwell.
Breckland has its own wildlife specialities, such as wheatear, the rare stone curlew and Breckland thyme and Spiked speedwell.
Within 50 years it became not only the commonest speedwell but also one of the commonest annual weeds.
Other late flowers noticed were Thyme-leaved speedwell, Knapweed or Hardheads, and the Field rose mentioned earlier.
In winter wheat, ivy-leaved speedwell is favored by poor crop establishment.
Other plants such as primrose, wood speedwell and wood melick are also abundant.
Look out for betony, wild strawberry, germander speedwell, eyebright, wild thyme, salad burnet, mouse-ear hawkweed and common bird's-foot-trefoil.
A few plants were in flower, including red and white dead nettles, groundsel, yarrow, charlock and field speedwell.
The top fields are well drained and have a typical acid grassland community including species such as tormentil, heath bedstraw and heath speedwell.
The seeds of wall speedwell are consumed by several species of ground beetle.
The primula is thus spoken of, on account of its yellow centre, also the adonis, or "pheasant's eye," and the blue veronica, or germander speedwell.
Veronica Speedwell, age nine, of Lynden, Ontario was identified several days after her body was discovered in a roadside ditch.
On our August 2002 trip we found several new plants, including black nightshade, pink water speedwell, water plantain and dwarf spurge.
It was of about 180 tons burden, and in company with the "Speedwell" sailed from Southampton on the 5th of August 1620, the two having on board 120 Pilgrims. After two trials the "Speedwell" was pronounced unseaworthy, and the "Mayflower" sailed alone from Plymouth, England, on the 6th of September with the zoo (or 102) passengers, some 41 of whom on the lzth of November (o.s.) signed the famous "Mayflower Compact" in Provincetown Harbor, and a small party of whom, including William Bradford, sent to choose a place for settlement, landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the 11th of December (21st N.s.), an event which is celebrated, as Forefathers' Day, on the 22nd of December.
The Speedwell family, containing many ornamental members; all the hardy species are of the easiest cultivation in ordinary garden soil.
Other prominent species are Campanula, Pyrethrum, aconite, Cephaelis, speedwell, Alchemilla sericea, Centaurea macrocephala, Primula grandis and a species of primrose.