In a sparing manner; with frugality, moderation, scantiness, reserve, forbearance, or the like; sparsely.
It forms small needles, very sparingly soluble in water.
Heaths and Australian plants must be very sparingly watered, and kept with only fire heat enough to repel frost.
The referendum has been sparingly used in matters of local concern.
It is sparingly soluble in cold water, but is easily dissolved by potassium carbonate or ammonia.
Its specific gravity is about 9; it is sparingly soluble in water, but readily dissolves in acids and molten alkalis.
Marble appears to have been scarce, and was sparingly employed.
It is a colourless gas which is only sparingly soluble in water.
The fluoride, NaF, is sparingly soluble in water (I part in 25).
Water very sparingly over the winter, and cut back if becoming too leggy.
Of the orders most largely developed in south India, and more sparingly elsewhere, may be named Aurantiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Balsaminaceae, Ebenaceae, Jasmineae, and Cyrtandraceae; but of these few contain as many as 100 peculiar Indian species.
The aspect of the vegetation is very peculiar, and is commonly determined by the predominance of some four or five species, the rest being either local or sparingly scattered over the area.
Small tufts of tactile hairs or papillae are sometimes observed in small number at the tip of the head; sometimes longer hairs, apparently rather stiff, are seen on the surface, very sparingly distributed between the cilia, and hitherto only in a very limited number of small specimens.
Lead fluoride, PbF2, is a white powder obtained by precipitating a lead salt with a soluble fluoride; it is sparingly soluble in water but readily dissolves in hydrochloric and nitric acids.
Aconitine (C33H45N013, according to Dunstan; C34H47NOH, according to Freund) is a crystalline base, soluble in alcohol, but very sparingly in water; its alcoholic solution is dextrorotatory, but its salts are laevorotatory.
Aurous iodide, Aul, is a light-yellow, sparingly soluble powder obtained, together with free iodine, by adding potassium iodide to auric chloride; auric iodide, Au13, is formed as a dark-green powder at the same time, but it readily decomposes to aurous iodide and iodine.
They are generally but sparingly distributed over the earth's surface and can be traced back in time to the early Jurassic epoch.
Vegetative multiplication occurs only sparingly in Rhodophyceae.
It is true that the house was closed and access to the archives only very sparingly allowed until Baron Walther's death in 1885.
The Upper Old Red Sandstone, composed of red sandstone and conglomerates, is only sparingly developed.
Silver nitrate in the presence of nitric acid gives with bromides a pale yellow precipitate of silver bromide, AgBr, which is sparingly soluble in ammonia.
Your doctor may prescribe mild hydrocortisone (steroid) cream which can be applied sparingly to the affected areas.
Only Robin is missing, the younger sidekick is hard to being to the new film genre where humor is used only sparingly.
None of the carbonates is anything more than very sparingly soluble.
Rotondi in 1885, however, regarded a neutral soap as hydrolysing to a basic salt, soluble in both hot and cold water, and an acid salt, insoluble in cold and sparingly soluble in hot.
Latin Fathers borrow the word " dogma," though sparingly,, and employ it in all the Greek usages.
Use sparingly to care for your glove, and be sure the cream does not contain silicon.
Items containing mineral oil must be used sparingly, if at all.
Turn down the temperature on your hot water heater to conserve energy, and use water in your yard sparingly.
You may also use it in a ground form or chop the thick fresh leaves and add it sparingly to your dishes.
Use the bold colors sparingly and wisely, and you'll end up with a beautiful color palette and decorating scheme that is both attractive and patriotic.
Medicine cabinets, baskets, and linen cabinets are all excellent storage solutions, but use sparingly.
Unlike Chippendale, Sheraton used carving sparingly and incorporated simple ivory or brass key plates and metal drawer pulls.
Room dividers should be used sparingly, but occasionally a living room is large enough to handle one.
During the day, use your makeup sparingly.
Use it sparingly to create modest, yet beautiful eyes for the work day, and apply it heavier for dramatic, sexy eyes that are perfect for an evening out on the town.
Always apply powder lightly and sparingly.
Used sparingly, these samples can actually last quite a long time.
As a word of caution though, try to do this sparingly.
Consider this look sparingly, as it works best for special occasions like parties, but can seem like a bit much as an everyday look.
Some looks need to be used sparingly when it comes to brown eyes.
The first rule of good concealer is to use it sparingly and gently.
Though it's more of an evening fragrance, I didn't hesitate to use it very sparingly during the day (on my wrist only, which was more than enough to last several hours).
Another way to reduce irritation is to use the eye makeup remover sparingly.
Accent colors like black, smoky gray, deep brown, purples and greens look nice when used sparingly.
Using baby oil, sparingly, on a male model can help to accentuate his physique.
However, if you send messages sparingly, you'll not only keep your bank account happy, each individual message will have that much more importance.
These can be fun and wild, but use them sparingly.
About 9 inches high, with sparingly branched, succulent stems and glaucous leaves, covered with stiff hairs and short terminal racemes of flowers about half an inch in diameter, resembling in form that of Borage.
This can be a lot of fun, but it can also throw your guitar out of tune, so be sure to use your whammy bar sparingly.
The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly, sodium alum being readily soluble in water, whilst caesium and rubidium alums are only sparingly soluble.