A vehicle that travels through space.
They left the row house for the park across the street, where a small spacecraft awaited them.
The Moon was first visited by the soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959.
The spacecraft's door opened, and her excitement grew.
It must be pretty lonely being an unmanned spacecraft.
The spacecraft was launched on December 20, 1999 as a secondary payload on a Taurus launch vehicle.
The spacecraft has a remote observation payload, as well as a Lander communications package.
Once in their orbiting spacecraft, they will circle the Earth once every 90 minutes.
To launch spacecraft its own apart be Anthony Diaz Insurance Service in space team of five.
These include sites where children can enter competitions or have their names sent onboard spacecraft.
Anyone who expects an unequivocal statement that the UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft is surely being a little naive, to say the least.
The null hypothesis is that not one of the available UFO reports represents a genuine sighting of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
But now, the unique Ulysses spacecraft may give scientists a reality check.
Spacecraft could flow along these channels practically effortlessly - barely needing thrusters to struggle against gravity.
Arthur 's only chance for survival is to hitch a ride on a passing spacecraft.
The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959.
We would also accept the risks involved in a four spacecraft mission.
Spacecraft owned by odd-jobbing pirates are suitably ricketty.
Near the end of her patience trapped in the tiny box of a spacecraft, she shot up when she felt the familiar pressure of them descending.
He pulled away to take her hand, and they walked hand-in-hand toward the small spacecraft.
Also the metal spacecraft protected the astronauts from most of the radiation.
Odyssey spacecraft have found evidence of extensive water ice in Mars ' polar soil.
Arthur's only chance for survival is to hitch a ride on a passing spacecraft.
Propulsion methods such as the ion thruster and solar sail are examples of alternative propulsion options for spacecraft.
Titan's atmosphere contains an abundance of methane, which was detected many years ago by spacecraft that flew past the planet.
This larger spacecraft will weigh 300 kg and carry high resolution Earth imaging and advanced communications payloads whilst retaining low cost.
For the distance to Andromeda will have shrunk to zero for the spacecraft.
The Earth location data which is appended to the Level 1b data is based on the spacecraft clock time.
The purpose of such systems is to reduce, or eliminate, gravity loading on large spacecraft structures during ground testing.
They will allow engineers to evaluate the advantages of autonomous spacecraft operation.
This text provides a systems eye view of robotic spacecraft design with an emphasis on control systems.
Crypto and the spacecraft can be upgraded with specific amounts of DNA that you collect to get better weapons and abilities.
The missions will take you to a wide variety of locations; the city, dark caves, strange wildernesses and alien spacecraft.
Some claim that the government is housing aliens at the site; others say it's a test site for alien spacecraft.
The seven-person crew of the freighter discovered a derelict spacecraft, with all personnel aboard having suffered a violent death.
Remember that alien spacecraft that crashed at Roswell, New Mexico back in the 1940s?
The books, especially the books about technology and spacecraft include many blueprints you can enjoy.
This image is made up from the many pictures received from the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft as it orbits the asteroid Eros.
The world's most powerful rocket, Saturn V, was built to launch the Apollo spacecraft, which carried three astronauts.
Read Full Article Aurora discovered on Mars The European Mars Express spacecraft has spotted an aurora in the Martian atmosphere.
The episode also provides a rather good alien spacecraft which certainly bodes well for the return of Doctor Who in 2005.
The Cassini spacecraft completed three close flybys of Saturn's enigmatic moon Enceladus between February and July 2005.
This image quality is much better than that obtained with the X-ray instrumentation, and is significantly degraded by the spacecraft drift.
For Terrestrial Planet Finder, five spacecraft, flying in formation about one kilometer apart, will function as an optical interferometer.
The spacecraft will release a small lander onto the surface of this mysterious cosmic iceberg.
Finally, space launch vehicle noise if uncontrolled can cause serious structural damage to the spacecraft and payload.
The feature's presence was detected by several instruments aboard the spacecraft, including the magnetometer.
Changes in magnetic field geometry while the spacecraft is traversing the transition region between the outer and middle magnetosphere are also considered.
Mansr's small spacecraft dropped from the sky and hovered above him, following as he darted toward the sacred cave.
Since then all manned spacecraft have had artificial Schumann Wave generators built into them.
An alien spacecraft is heading for Earth and will arrive within weeks, bringing colonists who offer partnership and prosperity.