A musical composition for one or a few instruments, one of which is frequently a piano, in three or four movements that vary in key and tempo.
The polyphony of Beethoven was unquestionably influenced by it and, even in his latest sonatas and quartets, may be regarded as its logical outcome.
It is sometimes suggested that the 'cello part is best omitted and these works played as violin sonatas.
Buxtehude also composed more than 100 church cantatas, suites for keyboard, and sonatas for strings.
Watkins ' cello sonata was recorded by Paul and Huw Watkins for Nimbus Records on a CD featuring twentieth century British cello sonatas.
Featuring concertos including sonatas for two pianos, concertos for clarinet, flute and harp.
The sonatas which he wrote for them have astonishing power, and are a mixture of littering elegance and deep profundity.
In 1764, while visiting England, he composed several sonatas for violin and harpsichord and a number of symphonies.
They shared a love of music and they would play violin sonatas together, Einstein on the violin and Born on piano.
David Irving, leader of the orchestra, will also perform two of Handel's violin sonatas.
Where else can you experience live underwater concerts every full moon, poetry readings, or whale song mixed with bach sonatas under water?
With short periods away, Beethoven's piano sonatas are probably the most lasting interest I have had in my life.
His trios were, indeed, published under the title of "pianoforte sonatas with accompaniment of violin and violoncello"; but this in no way militates against the above remarks as to their proper method of performance nowadays, when we take into consideration the greater strength of tone of the modern pianoforte, especially in the bass, and the fact that in no case could a violinist consent to play as an accompaniment such melodies as that at the beginning of the G major trio known as No.
David Irving, leader of the orchestra, will also perform two of Handel 's violin sonatas.
Bach's sonatas; then the medium itself began to suggest wider horizons and new possibilities of treatment; his position at Eisenstadt enabled him to experiment without reserve; his genius, essentially symphonic in character, found its true outlet in the opportunities of pure musical structure.
The compositions of Haydn include 104 symphonies, 16 overtures, 76 quartets, 68 trios, 54 sonatas, 31 concertos and a large number of divertimentos, cassations and other instrumental pieces; 24 operas and dramatic pieces, 16 Masses, a Stabat Mater, interludes for the " Seven Words," 3 oratorios, 2 Te Deums and many smaller pieces for the church, over 40 songs, over 50 canons and arrangements of Scottish and Welsh national melodies.