A wild plant found in Bengal and Assam, Aeschynomene aspera, having a milky-white, spongy pith used for the manufacture of pith helmets and decorative artefacts.
The most basic of these tenets is sola fide.
The first to publish a general collection of treaties was Leibnitz, whose Codex juris gentium, containing documents from 1097 to 5497, " ea quae sola inter liberos populos legum sunt loco " appeared in 1693, and was followed in 1700 by the Mantissa.
Some of our Protestant churches cannot really say, sola scriptura.
That is what it means to have an inspired Scripture and this is the import of the sola scriptura principle for doctrine.
Prescription lenses are available through SOLA Sunlens, which distributes solely to dealers.
The philosopher in Abelard's Dialogus inter Judaeum Philosophum et Christianum expects to be saved ex sola lege naturali; here " law of nature " is fully equivalent to Natural Religion, and the word sola sets it in contrast with Christianity.
This sanctioned jurisdiction of Catholic bishops, and observance of certain rites, while all were to accept justification by faith (relegating sola to the adiaphora).
The river Vistula, which becomes navigable at Cracow, and forms afterwards the north-western frontier of Galicia, receives the Sola, the Skawa, the Raba, the Dunajec with its affluents the Poprad and the Biala, the Wisloka, the San and the Bug.