A syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale.
(foods) A type of dairy product, made especially in Japan between the seventh and 10th centuries, by reducing milk by boiling it.
His eldest SOH, Heinrich August Hahn (1821-1861), after studying theology at Breslau and Berlin, became successively Privatdozent at Breslau (1845), professor ad interim (1846) at Konigsberg on the death of Heinrich Havernick, professor extraordinarius (1851) and professor ordinarius (1860) at Greif swald.
His SOH, George Friedrich Wilhelm (1832-1900), born on the 31st of December 1832, at Hamburg, was astronomer at the observatory at Durham, England, from 1853 to 1856.
His SOH, David Schley Schaff (1852-), was professor of church history in Lane Theological Seminary in 1897-1903, and after 1903 in Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pa.
HiS SOH, Arthur Cleveland Coxe (1818-1896), who changed the spelling of the family name, graduated at the University of the City of New York in 1838 and at the General Theological Seminary in 1841.
His eldest SOH, William Backhouse Astor (1792-1875), inherited the greater part of his father's fortune, and chiefly by judicious investments in real estate greatly increased it.