The quality of being soft.
She sank into the softness of her leather chair.
Castings which, like hydraulic press cylinders and steam radiators, must be dense and hence must have but little graphite lest their contents leak through their walls, should not have more than 1.75% of silicon and may have even as little as 1% if impenetrability is so important that softness and consequent ease of machining must be sacrificed to it.
In the process of oxidation, a certain amount of cuprous oxide is always formed, which melts in with the copper and diminishes its softness and tenacity.
The dark eyes lost some of their softness.
What we have called plasticity must not be confused with the notion of "softness," which means the degree of facility with which the plasticity of a metal can be discounted.
But the dominant cause in the determination of the topographical prominences and depressions of the district has been the relative hardness and softness of the rocks.
Daisee is similar to Serajgunge in softness, is of good quality and of great length; its drawback is the low colour, and hence it is not so suitable for using in natural colour.
Of these Levertin is the more highly coloured and perfumed, with an almost Oriental richness; Kleen has not been surpassed in the velvety softness of his language.
Their history made him want to touch her, to feel the softness of her skin before waking her to gaze into the huge blue-green eyes that were able to stop him in his tracks.
Pure lead isa feebly lustrous bluishwhite metal, endowed with a characteristically high degree of softness and plasticity, and almost entirely devoid of elasticity.
The metal is then heated, not to redness, but sufficiently to develop a certain degree of softness, and the workman, taking a very thin sheet of gold (or silver), hammers portions of it into the salient points of the design.
As liquidity might be looked upon as the ne plus ultra of softness, this is the right place for stating that, while most metals, when heated up to their melting points, pass pretty abruptly from the solid to the liquid state, platinum and iron first assume, and throughout a long range of temperatures retain, a condition of viscous semi-solidity which enables two pieces of them to be "welded" together by pressure into one continuous mass.
Such porcelains, however, lack the velvet-like softness and depth of tone so justly prized in the genuine monochrome, where the glaze itself contains the coloring matter, pte and glaze being tired simultaneously at the same high temperature.
A broken lump would then be heated to softness in the furnace; rolled out under a bar of metal, held diagonally across the roll; and when reduced to a rod of a quarter of an inch thick, it was heated and pulled out into even rods about an eighth of an inch thick.
In the Southern Uplands, owing to the greater softness and uniformity of texture of the rocks, rock-tarns are comparatively infrequent, except in Galloway, where the protrusion of granite and its associated metamorphism have reproduced Highland conditions of rock-structure.
Blend or smudge to add desired softness.
The difference between softness and hardness in ordinary steel is due to the permanence of a solid solution of carbon in iron if the steel has been chilled or very rapidly cooled, while if the steel is slowly cooled this solid solution breaks up into a minute complex of two substances which is called pearlite.
The characters by which qualities of jute are judged are colour, lustre, softness, strength, length, firmness, uniformity and absence of roots.
The most important property is usually fiber fineness, closely related to softness of handle.
For example observe the tone of your voice, including intonation, timbre, softness, harshness.
We may rub a lamb's wool sweater against our cheek or with the back of our hand, to feel its softness.
Softness of outline, warmth of colouring, a fine and almost voluptuous feeling for beauty of every kind, and a pleading and melancholy tenderness-such were the elements of the spell which he threw round the sympathies of his reader, and which his compatriots expressed by the vague but expressive word blanditia.
The peculiar art therein is that while the discords owe their intelligibility and softness to the smooth melodic lines by which in " resolving " they prove themselves but transient rainbow-hues on or below the surface, they owe their strangeness to the intense vividness with which at the moment of impact they suggest a mysteriously remote foreign key.
Though the latter held on tenaciously, her voice lost none of its honeyed firmness and softness.
We may rub a lamb 's wool sweater against our cheek or with the back of our hand, to feel its softness.
If you are using terries as folded diapers, tumble dry them for 1/2 hr, then line dry and they keep their softness.
A veil of softness in harmony of your perfume Offer yourself a moment of serenity.
Wash cloths and hooded towels-Baby will love the softness of these linens.
For example, your steak, carrot, and mashed potato dinner can simply be inserted into a food processor, with a bit of water added for softness, and voila!
It gets battered more easily because of the softness of the metal.
Any number of firmness and softness grades can be requested in foam for couches.
Its softness is unmatched by many synthetic materials.
Since rocking chairs are often made of wood, a cushion adds softness.
They add a touch of softness and luxury to the bed.
If you have hardwood floors, use rugs to add softness and help divide the room by defining seating or dressing space, or simply to pad your step out of bed in the morning.
If you feel the room needs a touch of softness, use curtain panels in a solid color that hang straight to the floor.
Bare floors are perfect in minimalist rooms, but if you want to add softness and comfort include a rug.
Perfume aromas are not only defined as rose or lavender, but described by the emotions they present such as softness, romance or freshness.
These include talc to provide softness and smoothness, and Silica which helps to absorb oils from the skin.
Rated as one of the top men's modern cologne by Ask Men, Marc Jacobs Men received rave reviews because of its ability to be noticeable without overbearing, its subtle sex appeal, and sense of softness and mystery.
Though cinnamon and cumin were not particularly discernable, I detected the sharpness of vetiver quite strongly, but it quickly mellowed out thanks to the jasmine's softness.
This invigorating perfume is bright without overpowering, retaining a bit of softness and femininity.
Then, use the softness of the setting sun to further enhance the warm tones of the black-and-white image.
You can identify with the words, which helps you feel less alone in your situation, or just let the softness of the melody take your stress away.
Instead, to find similar softness and absorbency look into towels made of Egyptian cotton.
Down comforters are known for their fluffiness, softness and plush feel.
Chenille fabric gets it softness and characteristic look from the edges of these piles, which stand at right angles from the yarn's core.
In her room, she dropped on the bed and threw her arms out, sinking into its softness.
She snatched a tissue from the jeweled box on her desk and buried her nose into its softness.
Owing to the softness of the metal, large crystals are rarely well defined, the points being commonly rounded.