Of or pertaining to sociology.
Ethical and sociological developments of this theory succeed its physical and psychological treatment, the consideration of the antinomy of freedom being especially important.
An interesting sociological problem is raised by the presence of the large Asiatic element in the population.
The sociological perspective is increasingly understood by the ordinary citizen.
I want to digress to consider those categories which have, from my point of view, important sociological significance.
Beyond British and sensationally sociological, Blur and singer/songwriter Damon Albarn weave tales of stifling middle class ennui into clever pop vignettes.
Human emancipation and autonomy are the objectives behind the sociological imagination.
It seemed to be impossible to detect any sociological trace within the purely logical trace within the purely logical appearance of this field.
I am grateful to the Editor of Sociological Research Online and three anonymous referees for advice on an earlier draft.
In sociological terms, the religion became more sectarian.
Moreover, the argument requires the combining of purely linguistic data with historical and sociolinguistic, if not sociological, considerations.
Many redactional aims are not only theological but also sociological in the sense that the author attempts to oppose one social construction with another.
This dealt with the ways in which new technologies are transforming daily life, and took a mainly sociological standpoint.
But they imply political, sociological and religious developments which do not do j ustice either to the biblical evidence as a whole or to a comprehensive survey of contemporary conditions.'
For the rest of his life, though he regarded Christianity as "indispensable and irreplaceable - looking at it from a sociological point of view," he found himself unable to return to it as a religion.
Such a sociological perspective on issues of public concern is vital to our policy makers in tackling a whole range of social problems.
In addition, it would justify the use of powerful sociological theories in IS research.
We have yet to witness the evolution of the scientific Sociological Jesuit.
The nature and source of conflict has also been a central interest for sociological theorists since the founding of the discipline.
Gender identity emerges by the age of two or three and is influenced by a combination of biological and sociological factors reinforced at puberty.
While the first few cycles of The Real World were serious sociological experiments, the latter seasons have taken on a different slant.
But it has not been demonstrated that these are exclusively pre-Mosaic. On the other hand, a better acquaintance with the ancient political, sociological and religious conditions has made it increasingly difficult to interpret the records as a whole literally, or even to find a place in pre-Mosaic Palestine for the lives of the patriarchs as they are depicted.'
Thus it shows that the "primitive" features of Genesis afford a criterion which is sociological rather than chronological.
The application to sociological problems of the physical theory of organic evolution further developed the altruistic theory.
It is noticeable that the virtue of Benevolence, which has played so important a part in Christian ethics and in modern altruistic and sociological theories, is omitted by the ancients.
In sociological terms they represent a socially constructed body of falsehood and legitimation ideology, and a hegemonic discourse.
The historical traditions are to be supplemented by the great body of prophetic, legal and poetic literature which reveal contemporary conditions in various internal literary, theological or sociological features.
In view of subsequent events it would be difficult to find a more interesting subject of inquiry than the internal religious and sociological conditions in Samaria at this age.
Their importance will never be comparable to that of his music; but, just as the reaction against Ruskin's ascendancy as an art-critic has coincided with an increased respect for his ethical and sociological thought, so the rebellious forces that are compelling Wagnerism to grant music a constitution coincide with a growing admiration of his general mental powers.
But as the complex nature of society became more evident in the age of democracy, the economic or sociological history gained ground.
They are subjects for a scientific psychology employing the historical method with the conceptions of heredity and development, and calling to its aid, as such a psychology will do, the investigations of all the sociological sciences.
If we study a population and sort it into soldiers, sailors, ecclesiastics, lawyers and artisans, we may obtain facts of sociological value but learn nothing as to its racial origin and composition.
A sociological demonstration lies in the establishment of an accordance between the conclusions of historical analysis and the preparatory conceptions of biological theory.
Many of the young men and women, who were supposed to be qualifying as specialists in the various spheres of industrial and commercial enterprise, were in reality devoting their time to considering how human society in general, and Russian society in particular, could be reconstructed in accordance with the latest physiological, biological and sociological principles.
His Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, while setting forth the Spencerian system, made psychological and sociological additions of original matter, in some respects anticipating Spencer's later conclusions.
In this article religions are treated from the point of view of morphology, and no attempt can be made in the allotted limits to connect them with the phases of ritual, sociological or ethical development.
His Anticipations (1902) showed his real gift for sociological speculation.