A stifled or broken laugh.
To emit a snicker, a stifled or broken laugh.
To utter through a laugh of this kind.
(of a horse) To whinny.
The solemn moment was broken with a snicker that went around the room.
Pete sprayed a mouthful of coffee with his snicker.
We will just snicker a bit, then delete your email !
They did snicker but I thought nothing of it.
Don't snicker, it happens in cities as large as Chicago.
Several people off-camera snicker at the model, someone yells Cut !
In fact, everyone here appeared to have a good snicker.
Is there anywhere a member who did not secretly snicker up his sleeve at this ridiculous proposition?
Try not to snicker as they attempt to figure out their next move.
Today, people snicker at the fabricated scale-sized models and staged fires and explosions, but back during the 1950s, these effects were better than anything ever before seen on the big screen.
Do you snicker at the image of massed corn dollies at a village fete?
A snicker worked its way around the verandah.