A flavoured frozen drink made with ice crystals.
A kitchen helper.
Covered in slush.
Having the consistency of slush.
(of a person) Soupy.
She sloshed through the slushy snow, splashing icy water on the legs of her jeans.
They are the ultimate footwear for cold winter winds and wet, slushy snow.
Instead of everyone running around, slipping and sliding, shoveling slushy muck and shivering, here people just shift into a lower gear, listen to the quiet and enjoy the temporary peace.
Other people have complained that the boots stain easily if you step in water - a real concern if you are buying them to wear in slushy weather.
Crunching through the slushy snow, she walked down the drive, up the road and down the Reynolds drive.
The scene was total chaos, with goats dashing every which way in an attempt to avoid each spray of slushy snow.
For a small batch, add a few cubes per cocktail, depending on how slushy or thick you prefer your Daiquiri to be.
There are a lot of ways to create the look of snow without the slushy mess.