A small brown passerine bird, Alauda arvensis, that sings as it flies high into the air.
(originally nautical) To jump about joyfully, frolic; to play around, play tricks.
We are working to bring back the skylark, lapwing and corn cockle.
We have lapwings on the tops of the hills where the Skylark still trills high above you.
I stood and watched that skylark on the wing, And as I stood I felt my chest grow tight.
Westerly migrants included 27 fieldfares, 4 Redwings & 1 Skylark.
A " Skylark " badge was carried on the tail; a green ' lightning flash ' was added to the fuselage sides.
The reserve is also home to a number of bird species including meadow pipit, snipe and skylark.
If aware of skylark nest site do not disturb the immediate area close by.
Inland lochans can hold red-throated divers, while, in summer, the hill ridges and moors have golden plover, curlew and skylark.
These grasslands also provide feeding or breeding habitat for a number of scarce or declining birds including the skylark.
Eurasian Skylark [cantarella] (Alauda arvensis cantarella) At Mövenpick Golf Hotel, walking on the lawn.
This studied noted that organic farming reverses most of the agricultural trends that appear to have caused the decline in skylark numbers.
Breeding birds of the river margins include sedge warbler, whitethroat and reed bunting, while skylark breeds on the meadow.
Also seen were 4 woodcock, 34 meadow pipit, a redpoll and a skylark in song.
Eurasian skylark [cantarella] (Alauda arvensis cantarella) At Mövenpick Golf Hotel, walking on the lawn.
The plan contains a number of surprises, including the fact that RCT supports a skylark population.
The common crossbill of the Palaearctic region (Loxia curvirostra) is about the size of a skylark, but more stoutly built.
To the latter belong the Greenshank and Redshank, as well as the Common Sandpiper, the " Summer-Snipe " above-mentioned, a bird hardly exceeding a skylark in size, and of very general distribution throughout the British Islands, but chiefly frequenting clear streams, especially those with a gravelly or rocky bottom, and mast generally breeding on the beds of sand or shingle on their banks.