Any of various predatory seabirds of the family Stercorariidae that often chase other seabirds to steal their catches.
They are the home of myriads of sea-birds and one of the nesting-places of the bonxie, or great skua (Lestris cataractes), which used to be fostered by the islanders to keep down the eagles, and the eggs of which are still strictly preserved.
The strong offshore winds saw to it that the sea produced nothing more than a few lingering Manx shearwaters and an Arctic Skua.
Here you also find nesting arctic skua and bonxie (great skua ).
Also a great northern diver and 2 arctic skua flew east.
Figure 2. Wing of a great skua showing the bold white flash of feathers.
Pomarine skua -- 3 flying north past the Fajara hotel on 12th and 14th.
The strong offshore winds saw to it that the sea produced nothing more than a few lingering Manx Shearwaters and an Arctic Skua.
Here you also find nesting arctic skua and bonxie (great skua).
Southern Iceland is known for its great skua colony living on the sands.
In Jameson Land, we look for musk oxen and collared lemmings and predatory long-tailed skua, snowy owl and arctic fox.