A scaleless, predatory fish of the superorder Selachimorpha, with a cartilaginous skeleton and 5 to 7 gill slits on each side of its head.
To fish for sharks.
There is also a profitable shark fishery in the hands of Arabs.
A, Shark (Lamna cornubica), with long lobe of tail upturned.
Hardly of less scientific interest is the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus).
Have you ever eaten a seafood pizza with shark chunks?
It's not unheard of for a shark to make an appearance.
He didn't get attacked by shark, did he?"
If you do, did they have a minnow or a shark?
One day we brought home a mako shark which my mother cooked for supper.
One curious variety, called same-yaki, had glaze chagrined like the skin of a shark.
We saw some big tuna and there were mixed reports about shark sightings.
He is married with 2 young children, and has a desk stapler shaped like a shark.
Other dangerous sharks include the tiger shark, mako, bronze and black- tipped whalers, and hammerhead.
Like the Great White pendant they have a matt underbelly which brings the shark to life.
Sea World is also one of the only places in the world where you can feed dolphins, count the teeth on a shark, and learn about unique marine life for the price of a single admission ticket.
For small jobs and quick cleanup, consider a handheld vacuum such as the Shark Turbo Hand Vac.
He's hosted the popular Shark Week, and often appears as host or narrator for special programs on the network.
In each episode of Shark Tank, entrepreneurs approach a panel of five "Sharks" in order to present their businesses and request investment capital.
The five Sharks in the Shark Tank TV series are all highly successful, competitive, and driven to grow their wealth and business portfolios.
Kevin O'Leary also appears on the Canadian version of Shark Tank, along with Robert Herjavec.
To watch episodes of Shark Tank and learn more about the show, visit the official website at
The two-note motif that signals the oncoming shark entered the pop culture lexicon and today it is nearly synonymous with all sharks, thanks to the power of Williams' music.
On one occasion a black-tip reef shark took an unhealthy interest in one of the team's fins.
Even still, seeing that whale shark will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Amphibians sand reptiles of the Shark Bay area, Western Australia.
Submersible Santa Weekends in December and daily from 21st December*, visitors will be able to see santa in our shark tank !
Others, such as contracted out former council workers, were forced to fend for themselves in shark infested seas.
There is more information about shark cartilage in the questions and answers on complementary therapies section.
Oh I 'd better not dive the whale shark cos the book says I ca n't.
Known also as the Zambezi Shark, the Bull Shark is a formidable fish with a thickset, powerful body and a fearsome reputation.
A scuba diver threw some fish food to a gigantic eel and a thresher shark.
You may even discover a white tip reef shark or two taking a nap.
A white pointer killer shark has been feeding on surfers and bathers just off the beach, it 's ' Jaws ' for real.
At the Shark Reef Aquarium, you can learn more about sharks and other aquatic life, and if you are brave enough, you can even dive with the sharks.
Valspar colors that compliment Victorian style include the pastel pink Morning Glow, dark bluish-gray Evening Eclipse and light bluish gray Shark Loop.
Braised Shark's Fin and Sautéed Chicken with Green Peppers are also favorites.
Available in sizes small through XXXXL, there's a shirt in the right size for every pool shark you know.
You can also sometimes purchase a gift card so your pool shark can buy his own tee right in time for the next big game night!
Their Kings' Court Four-Button solid jacket comes in navy, black, dark khaki or gray shark.
Greg Norman, nicknamed "The Shark," is one of the world's leading golf pros.
They wear it because they are a 'white shark' or a 'clown fish' or whatever fish design they are wearing.
There's the orange and black Simmer, the red Quasar D8, the black Shark with pink lenses, and even a shiny red Boost with vermillion lenses for kids.
A wide variety of reading glasses are available from the Shark Eyes online page, from professional-looking foldable specs to newer and more modern shades.
You can also get the Shark Rec-Specs customized goggles from Sport Eyes for around $85.00.
It must be a fantasy world where you can swim straight up to a shark and pet it.
The Game Shark, unlike earlier cheating devices, allowed users to create their own complex codes that were more than just guesswork.
Avoid the shark and lava bursts in the mini-game to get the strength potion.
The wine was a wonderful pairing with quasi-spicy shark soft tacos with guacamole, sour cream and heirloom tomatoes.
Pheasant and duck go well with Pinot Noir, as do lamb and dense, meaty fish like shark and swordfish.
Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish entirely, and check for local warnings before eating fish caught by family or friends.
With fabric increasingly being designed to replicate shark or dolphin skin and thus allowing for greater smoothness in the water; a suit that covers more of the body can make for faster swimming.