A tall dandy.
To force or trick (someone) into joining a ship as part of the crew.
To abduct or coerce.
To trick (a person) into entering a jurisdiction where they can lawfully be arrested.
To commandeer; appropriate; hijack
Let's see if we can shanghai a room for a couple of hours.
The principal China market for shirtings and other staple goods is Shanghai, which holds a large stock and distributes to minor markets.
Thus in 1907 at the Centenary Conference in Shanghai, when many topics were discussed centring in the question of the native Chinese Church, a general declaration of faith and purpose was adopted, which, after setting out the things held in common, proceeded, " We frankly recognize that we differ as to methods of administration and of church government; that some among us differ from others as to the administration of baptism; and that there are some differences as to the statement of the doctrine of predestination, or the election of grsce.
The opening up of the upper waters of the Yangtsze to steam navigation has made it a commercial entrepot second only to Shanghai.
There are five dioceses, and in 1897 an episcopal conference was held in Shanghai.
Bullock, " Competitive Examinations in China " (Nineteenth Century, July 1894); and Etienne Zi, Pratique des examens litteraires en Chine (Shanghai, 1894).
The local management is entrusted to a municipal council organized on lines similar to those which obtain at Shanghai.
While apprenticed to a cabinet-maker he picked up a Chinese grammar written in Latin, and after mastering the latter tongue made such good progress with the former, that in 1846 James Legge engaged him to superintend the London Missionary Society's press at Shanghai.
The products of this fertile district, as well as the teas and silks of more distant regions, find their natural outlet at Shanghai.
At first merchants appeared disinclined to take advantage of the opportunities offered them at Shanghai.
This is exclusive of banks, shipping and insurance companies, and other institutions which draw profits from other places besides Shanghai.
Relations between Sun Yat-sen and Yuan Shih-k'ai were never cordial, but until the ejection from Peking of the Kuo Min-tang Radicals by the President Dictator in 1913, they preserved the appearance of goodwill, and towards the end of 1912 Sun accepted a highly paid appointment as Director of National Railways at Shanghai.
He remained with the British force of occupation in northern China until April 1862, when the British troops, under the command of General Staveley, proceeded to Shanghai, in order to protect the European settlement at that place from the Taiping rebels.
The latter gradually advanced eastwards, and approaching the important city of Shanghai, alarmed the European inhabitants, who subscribed to raise a mixed force of Europeans and Manila men for the defence of the town.
This force, which was placed under the command of an American, Frederick Townsend Ward (1831-1862), took up a position in the country west of Shanghai to check the advance of the rebels.
Fighting continued round Shanghai for about two years, but Ward's force was not altogether successful, and when General Staveley arrived from Tientsin affairs were in a somewhat critical condition.
New Millenium, finances chronic, Shanghai and New York the perfect tonic.
To add to its ancient attractions, it is creating futuristic cityscapes in great cities such as Shanghai.
He went on to become the headmaster of the new Dulwich College Shanghai.
He started his working life in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank before giving up the heady heights of finance for writing.
This is the first time that Shanghai Yue Opera is featured in a truly intercultural and multimedia production in the UK.
Then in September the Argonaut sailed for Shanghai to repatriate British internees.
River time quot get onto the river water is a shanghai JC mandarin hotel.
A few yards further on, the assembly of the first Shanghai is depicted in a heroic diorama complete with life-size mannequins.
The underground metro connects most places in central Shanghai, running under the river to Pudong.
The Shanghai Visa Section will accept postal applications and the student fast-track service is still operational.
Liu Renjing was also liberated, and bombarded Shanghai and the International Secretariat with letters denouncing the opportunism and the capitulation of Chen Duxiu.
The Shanghai company occupies a key position in the world's fastest-growing car market.
To quot raid additional sailing aboard shanghai were filled.
On 16th February, 1870 she departed from London on her maiden voyage to Shanghai.
One effect of the Taiping rebellion was to close the native custom-house at Shanghai; and as Lhe corrupt alternatives proposed by the Chinese were worse than useless, it was arranged by Sir Rutherford Alcock, the British consul, with his French and American colleagues, that they should undertake to collect the duties on goods owned by foreigners entering and leaving the port.
No distinct latitude can be assigned as a boundary between the two forms, from the simple fact that where migration in comparatively recent times has taken place a natural conservatism has prevented the more familiar garb from being discarded; at the same time the two forms can often be seen within the limits of the same country; as, for instance, in China, where the women of Shanghai commonly wear trousers, those of Hong-Kong skirts.
Richard, Comprehensive Geography of the Chinese Empire (Shanghai, 1908), pp. 798 9, and authorities there cited.
Richard, Comprehensive Geography of the Chinese Empire (Shanghai, 1908), pp. 39-46, and the authorities there cited.
Tone sandhi in Shanghai is a morpho-phonological process to produce prosodic words, while compounding is a syntactic means to make lexical words.
Heavy bass tones waft out onto the street from one of Shanghai 's many department stores.
Rice is the predominant carbohydrate or starch in Chinese food, but Shanghai is one of many regions that prefer wheat-based noodles or steamed buns.
Shanghai - This type of cooking is a bit heavier and oilier than Cantonese style cooking, and citrus fruits are also popular in the cuisine.
While Paris, New York City, and Venice are popular for romantic themes, more unusual choices could include Egypt, Shanghai, Las Vegas, a tropical island, London, or Africa.
The Special Olympics World Games will take place in Shanghai, with as many as 7,000 athletes attending the event.
These river cruises explore locations such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an.
The two main producers of the chocolate pearls, Shanghai Gems SA of Geneva and the Ballerina Pearl Company of New York, both maintained that the beautiful vibrant chocolate colors were not the product of irradiation or dyes.
Suits in our Platinum Collection are handmade in our workshop near Shanghai.
Shanghai by entering in Delta, Phi, Delta, Omega for Easy; Sigma, Psi, Psi, Phi for Normal; and Omega, Delta, Phi, Psi for Hard.
Yun and Yang Lee were born in Shanghai, but grew up in Hong Kong.
The pots are made, much like the Brown Betty teapot from a special, purple tinted clay that is found just outside the town of Yixing, about 100 miles from Shanghai.
Unless you are planning to throw down some cash for the airfare to Shanghai, travel on over to this foggy city of fun to experience the best in Chinese parties!
He helped Indiana Jones and Willie Scott escape from the Obi Wan night club in Shanghai.
Shanghai, China's largest city, is located along the country's eastern coast, on the banks of the Yangtze River.
A cosmopolitan center in the early 20th century to rival Paris and London, Shanghai languished after the Communist takeover in 1949.
Standard 28 day tours include visits to Beijing, Xian, Lhasa, Shigatse, Lhatse, Saga, Paryang, Manasarovar Lake, Tarchen, Mt. Kailash, Tarchen, Tsada, Seng Ge Tsangpo, Gertse, Tsochen, Lhatse, Shigatse, Lhasa, and Shanghai.