Chaotic, disorganised or mismanaged.
Either way you would think that we should have the right to find out more about how we got to the current shambolic state.
Poor katy, spending her weekend with zombies in a shambolic chateau !
The only big performance anxiety dream I recall was when I was backstage in a production of Carousel which looked fairly shambolic to me.
Defra 's shambolic handling of single farm payments in England has caused many farmers to suffer grave economic hardship.
Bob Crow has called for a public inquiry to look into the shambolic way in which infrastructure maintenance is organized.
But I guess it 's only fair to expect a show based on a shambolic life would itself be ever so slightly shambolic itself.
It 's truly shambolic say many dentists referring to the recent overhaul of the NHS dental service.
She earned a reputation for shambolic performances, arriving late to venues and swearing at the audience.
For some, the BNP seems an attractive protest over the shambolic " loss " of hundreds of convicted foreign rapists and killers.
But I guess it's only fair to expect a show based on a shambolic life would itself be ever so slightly shambolic itself.
He also stages a rather shambolic puppet show where the principals have been replaced by emptying bottles of booze.
Utterly shambolic twee garage from people old enough to know better.
It's truly shambolic say many dentists referring to the recent overhaul of the NHS dental service.
Let 's take the shambolic mess of a review that Premier magazine cobbled together.
During this dispute I have had to negotiate with a disunited employerâs side in often shambolic circumstances.