Requesting silence.
This salt, on standing, decomposes into barium dithionate, BaS206, and diethyl disulphide, (C2H5)2S2, which points to the presence of the SH group in the molecule.
These are the alphabet and some sounds like sh and ee that need two letters to be written, and so are called digraphs.
Real information as to the nations of Mexico before Spanish 1 In this, as in all other Aztec names, the x (or j) represents the English sound sh; hence Mexitli and Mexico should be properly pronounced Meshitli, Meshico.
See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES for detailed descriptions of the mailx variables. sh ell [shell-command] !
The sh of Essex was to take one palfrey from the As (C 60/14 m. 3 ).
In 1289, K Edw I claimed the fair and ordered the sh to proclaim it in his name.
All of these problems are solved by using sh instead of cpp.
The three lines cause both sh and wish to process the script, but the exec is only executed by sh.
File names, where expected, are expanded via the normal shell conventions [see sh (1)] .
There have also been reports where entire ponds of fi sh have died following spraying.
Like his father and his half-sister ir sh Ch Lislone Jazz Singer he loved showing and would bark if left behind.
It's a system with proven advantages over the more common coil spring and oil/air sh... ... .
It possesses seven vowels; among the consonants are the aspirated d and t, as in Greek, and many other sounds, such as b, d, sh, zh (French j), and hard g, which are wanting in Greek, but exist in the Slavonic languages.
This section uses the version of sh included in SVR4.2 as the baseline reference.
Another goal of the Ten Year Crusade was the building of a Ma sh riqu'l-A dh kár in Tehran.
Around Kirmán sh áh the population is predominantly Kurdish but toward Hamadán the majority become Iranians with a large Turkish minority.
File names, where expected, are expanded via the normal shell conventions [see sh (1) ].
She also has Res Green Stars at Ch Sh 's in Ireland.
Like his father and his half-sister Ir Sh Ch Lislone Jazz Singer he loved showing and would bark if left behind.
It 's a system with proven advantages over the more common coil spring and oil/air sh.......
Now I realize why he omits the ' sh ' sound from his speech.
Sometimes children with functional speech disorders have problems making other sounds, such as sh, l, r, and ch.
Pushing the envelope of virtual reality dating games is Jink? Sh?jo 2 or Artificial Girl 2.
To the right (in the figure) of the rectal peduncle is seen the deeply invaginated shell-gland ss, with a secretion sh protruding from it.
Considering derivatives primarily concerned with transformations of the hydroxyl group, we may regard our typical acid as a fusion of a radical R CO - (named acetyl, propionyl, butyl, &c., generally according to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms) and a hydroxyl group. By replacing the hydroxyl group by a halogen, acid-haloids result; by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules, acid-anhydrides, which may be oxidized to acid-peroxides; by replacing the hydroxyl group by the group. SH, thio-acids; by replacing it by the amino group, acid-amides (q.v.); by replacing it by the group - NH NH2, acid-hydrazides.
Here also should be mentioned the sound sh, which, like th, is not a combination of sounds though written with two symbols.
The sound of sh is also sometimes represented by s, as in sure, sugar.
The sh sound is sometimes not even written with a sibilant, as in the pronunciation of the ci and ti of words like rhetorician and nation.
S is pronounced as sh in English, the sound of simple s being represented by sz.
Consider the streaming motion given by w =m =a+si, (5) 4=m ch (n -a)cos(-0), p=m sh(n-a)sin(-13).
An ellipse interior to n = a will move in a direction opposite to the exterior current; and when n = o, U = oo, but V = (m/c) sh a sin 13.
The velocity of a liquid particle is thus (a 2 - b 2)/(a 2 +b 2) of what it would be if the liquid was frozen and rotating bodily with the ellipse; and so the effective angular inertia of the liquid is (a 2 -b 2) 2 /(a 2 +b 2) 2 of the solid; and the effective radius of gyration, solid and liquid, is given by k 2 = 4 (a 2 2), and 4 (a 2 For the liquid in the interspace between a and n, m ch 2(0-a) sin 2E 4) 1 4Rc 2 sh 2n sin 2E (a2_ b2)I(a2+ b2) = I/th 2 (na)th 2n; (8) and the effective k 2 of the liquid is reduced to 4c 2 /th 2 (n-a)sh 2n, (9) which becomes 4c 2 /sh 2n = s (a 2 - b 2)/ab, when a =00, and the liquid surrounds the ellipse n to infinity.
Ja - u ?I a -a b -u' sh nS2=sh log (Q)=?a - b a - a' b - u' At x where = co, u = o, and q= go, (O n b - a ' a + a -b a' cio) - ?a-a'?b a-a' q In crossing to the line of flow x'A'P'J', b changes from o to m, so that with q = Q across JJ', while across xx the velocity is qo, so that i n = go.
Thus with a' =o, a stream is split symmetrically by a wedge of angle ' zr/n as in Bobyleff's problem; and, by making a = oo, the wedge extends to infinity; then chnS2= u, sh nS2= b n u.
C - a 2 - 2 b2 +A, = and then as above in § 31, with a= c ch a, b=c sh a, a =-1 (a 2 +X) =c ch al, b1= c sh a (13) the ratio in (II) agrees with § 31 (6).
There were two epochs in Japani study of the Chinese language first, the epoch when she received Confucianism through Korea; and, secondly, the epoch when sh began to study Buddhism direct from China.
In the middle of words when t precedes a palatal sound like i (y) which is not syllabic, it coalesces with it into the sound of sh as in position, nation, &c. The change to a sibilant in these cases took place in late Latin, but in Middle English the i following the t was still pronounced as a separate syllable.
In this alphabet the Greek letter p (or rather a very similar letter with the loop a little lower down) is used to represent sh, and there are some peculiarities in the use of o apparently connected with the expression of the sounds h and w.
The shunt coil Sh and the series coil Se are connected together at one point, and the remaining terminals of the dynamo and shunt coil must be connected to a " good earth," which is generally the gas or water pipes w of the building.
The sulphydrate or hydrosulphide, Ca(SH)2, is obtained as colourless, prismatic crystals of the composition Ca(SH) 2.6H 2 O, by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into milk of lime.
Philo, De posteriori Caini, § 3, explains the name as meaning iroru ryos,"watering" or "irrigation," connecting it with the Hebrew root Sh Th Josephus, Ant.
In this connexion Hommel's theory 2 should be mentioned, that the word Shumer was a later palatalization of Ki-imgir, " land of Imgir "=Shiimgir, subsequently Shingi with palatalized k = sh and elision of the final r.
Perhaps the most interesting of these consonantal interchanges is that occurring between n and the sibilants sh and z; ner = slier; na=za, which by some scholars has been declared to be phonetically impossible, but its existence is well established between the modern Chinese colloquial idioms. For example, Pekingese then, Hakka nyin, Fuchow niing, Ningpo zhing and nying, WOnchow zang and Hang all =" man."
They have the chief characteristics of the Polynesian, with Malay affinities, and peculiarities such as the use of suffixes and inseparable pronouns and, as in Tagal, of the infix to denote changes in the verb; in the west groups there is a tendency to closed syllables and double consonants, and a use of the palatals ch, j, sh, the dental th, and s (the last perhaps only in foreign words), which is alien to the Polynesian.
There is, however, considerable evidence in support of the view that Greek va representing the sound arising from Ky, xy, Ty, By was pronounced as sh (s), while representing gy, dy was pronounced in some districts zh (z).4 On an inscription of Halicarnassus, a town which stood in ancient Carian territory, the sound of vv in `AXoKapvaao-Ewv is represented by T, as it is also in the Carian name Panyassis (IIavvfiTcos, geni tive), though the ordinary is also found in the same inscription.
Either two sounds are confused under one symbol, or these records represent a dialect which, like Hebrew and Assyrian, shows sh, z, and c, where the ordinary Aramaic representation is t, d, and t, the Arabic tic, dh, and th.
By the condensation of ortho-aminophenols with phosgene or thiophosgene, oxy and thio-derivatives are obtained, the (OH) and (SH) groups being situated in the t t position, and these compounds on treatment with amines yield amino derivatives.
Hinduism has also impressed its language upon the province, and the vernacular Assamese possesses a close affinity to Bengali, with the substitution of s for the Bengali ch, of a guttural h for the Bengali h or sh, and a few other dialectic changes.
In the .consonantal system we col 1 struck by the abundance of sibilants (s and sh, in three forms modification, z and zh) and nasals (five in number), and by the rer mplete absence of 1.
A characteristic phonetic change is that of into sh; e.g.