A six-winged angel; the highest choir or order of angels in Christian angelology, ranked above cherubim, and below God. They are the 5th highest order of angels in Jewish angelology. A detailed description can be found at the beginning of Isaiah chapter 6
Putting aside the cherubim and seraphim, they are not spoken of as having wings.
In old times, the bne Elohim and the seraphim are His court, and the angels are alike the court and the army of God; the cherubim are his throne-bearers.
The most powerful angels are the Seraphim.
In 1824, however, Prince Galitzin ceased to be procurator of the Holy Synod, and Seraphim, metropolitan of St Petersburg, became president of the Russian Bible Society.
The collar is formed of alternate gold seraphim and blue enamelled patriarchal crosses.
Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor.
In particular he has been vigorously defended by the highly respected American monk, Blessed Seraphim Rose.
Seraphim are said to encircle the throne of God.
Mythical features abound in the cherubim and seraphim, the pillars of Jachin and Boaz, the mysterious Nehushtan, the bronze-sea and the lavers.
It is doubtful how far Ezekiel's account of the cherubim and Isaiah's account of the seraphim are to be taken as descriptions of actual beings; they are probably figurative, or else subjective visions.
Daisy's music career began with the band Seraphim Shock, for whom she played bass.
Vasa in 1522, and was re-established by Frederick I., with the Seraphim and the Pole Star in 1748; modifications have been made in 1798, 1814 and 1889.