A Spanish term of address equivalent to Mrs., used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of a married, divorced or widowed woman
Jump In The Line (Shake, Senora) - The second song on the Beetlejuice soundtrack not written and composed by Danny Elfman.
Jump In The Line (Shake, Senora) is also performed by Harry Belafonte.
An annual pilgrimage from Figueras to the chapel of Nuestra Senora de Requesens, r 5 m.
In 1740-1745 a fortification called Nuestra Senora de los Angeles was erected at the entrance; it is still standing, on a steep bluff overlooking the sea, and is one of the most picturesque of the old fortifications of the island.
The church of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (modernized with a shingle roof and a wooden steeple) contains interesting paintings and antique wood-carvings.
The town is essentially a residence suburb of the capital, and has some rather pretty streets and squares and some old and interesting churches (including Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion, 1714 - 1721).
The best-known silver mines are the Rosario, from which about $90,000,000 had been extracted up to the last decade of the 19th century, and the Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe de los Reyes, discovered early in the 19th century and yielding over $85,000,000 before its close.
The indomitable perseverance he had shown during one of the most arduous voyages in the history of sea adventure was rewarded by the capture of an immensely rich prize, the "Nuestra Senora de Covadonga," which was met off Cape Espiritu Santo on the 20th of June 1743.