In such writing systems as the Chinese writing system, the portion of a phono-semantic character that provides an indication of its meaning; contrasted with phonetic.
Of or relating to semantics or the meanings of words.
(software design, of code) Reflecting intended structure and meaning.
(of a detail or distinction) Petty or trivial; (of a person or statement) quibbling, niggling.
This speech sample will also yield information about the quality of the child's voice, how fluent speech occurs, and the child's semantic and physical sound-making skill.
As the web becomes "semantic," the use of text HTML codes has been phasing out.
However, in the drive towards a more semantic web, they have also adopted the "X11" standard which uses plain English to denote certain precise colors.
Only if the form plane encodes semantically indeterminate elements like prototypical complements, does Zifonun's approach go beyond a semantic concept of valency.
The natural types provide the basis for semantic interoperability.
However, these intuitions are semantic data, not semantic facts.
Due to this factor only semantic networks and an alternative knowledge acquisition approach have been presented in depth.
But there are also semantic reasons against a loophole here for long ages.
I only use CSS because I use semantic HTML.
He also claims that proforms, in contrast to pronouns and definite nouns, require semantic - as opposed to pragmatic - identification.
The questions are based on semantic factors of spoken French, the user must choose the correct meaning to a slang phrase for example.
When the Historical Thesaurus is complete, it will offer scholars the first comprehensive semantic listing of vocabulary.
Hence, thesaurus hierarchies were more like decision trees than semantic relations.
Lastly, as HTML has become more semantic, you can also simply use words like "red" for the color.
The recent interest in anaphora is largely an interest in finding a semantic theory for problematic anaphora.
These enhance the web site by providing personalized content driven by the semantic annotations.
Finally, we introduce Semantic Negotiation, a process by which two agents can negotiate a mutually comprehensible reference for an object.
Each such heading in the template carried an amplification of its meaning with a view to semantic congruity.
This paper presents two experiments on the semantic similarity of discourse connectives.
Please, has anyone any further simple ideas that might occupy someone with semantic dementia at home during the long winter evenings?
In each case a semantic differential was used from 1 - extremely unlikely to 5 - certain.
A third influential position which emerged during this realist period was semantic externalism.
As a natural language processing task, a semantic slot filler is to be modeled.
I will assume the view of vagueness as semantic indecision and argue against the supervaluationist solution.
The thesaurus protocols we have examined have no direct facility for semantic expansion operations.
It also permits a move from formal to semantic analysis when considering argument structure, theta roles, aspectual class, voice, etc.
Nonetheless, the reviews do organize a semantic field around the trope of darkness with some degree of complexity.
The function is great for generating valid XHTML and semantic code from database content.
In both integrations a common semantic model is used in order to given specifications in the language a well-defined meaning.
Therefore, differences in the " strength " of a superordinate category of structurally isomorphic constructions will only be found in their semantic cohesion.
In addition to the groups stated I have identified the position of semantic legalism.
However, the value and usability of human-readable Web pages will be enhanced when they are made machine-readable with standardized semantic tags.
Every page on this site uses structured semantic markup.
Thus, the conceptual space represents the organization of primitive semantic frames on some set of similarity metrics.
The semantic relationships between items and the complex forms in which they are root morphemes were also shown to be predictive of response times.
Information from MRI scans supports other findings that the crucial area involved in semantic memory lies in the left temporal neocortex.
Named entities are used to automatically enrich a domain ontology in the KMi semantic Web site.
Were there such grounds the of formal logic would require distinct semantic accounts for the wffs p q and p q and p p.
Chapter 1 also offers a classification of semantic types of situational plurality.
A good example is that of semantic priming (see chapter 2 ).
Traditional frameworks cannot handle cross-border categories, semantic prosody or the vagueness of word classes.
We notice a tendency to use synonyms or words with a very small semantic difference from those of the Sinaitic Psalter.
So during development I'd prefer to do my own validation based on a tighter Relax NG schema and perhaps other semantic processing.
Dialog An implementation of a commonly used interaction semantic to prompt for auxiliary input from the user, such as a filename.
The statements that were purely semantic or were episodic with an element of semantic memory we called statements with " semantic content " .
At this point, tho, the argument becomes semantic rather than substantive.
This analysis draws heavily on complex semantic types, of the kind that have been used recently in work on lexical semantics.
We can also speak of a counterexample to a semantic sequent.
We develop a theory of semantic tableaux for BI, thereby providing an elegant basis for efficient theorem proving tools for BI.
When the historical thesaurus is complete, it will offer scholars the first comprehensive semantic listing of vocabulary.