In a selective manner, only affecting or applying to some selected cases.
Neither sect was supposed to interfere in mortal affairs, a fact they selectively ignored.
I. FTY720 selectively decreases the number of circulating mature lymphocytes by acceleration of lymphocyte homing.
The surface charge of different types of particles depends on the pH, allowing cationic or anionic surfactants to be selectively adsorbed.
Its use is for the monitoring of a process in which contaminants are to be removed selectively by flocculation from yeast cell homogenate.
Statins selectively inhibit leukocyte function antigen-1 by binding to a novel regulatory integrin site.
Third, adversary Io are degraded by selectively disrupting C4I systems.
They found he had invented and suppressed evidence for decades, deliberately mistranslated some documents and selectively quoted from others.
Attention of this type will not help the selectively mute child to relax or feel any less self-conscious than they already do.
By selectively amplifying fungal DNA it had been shown that, in bluebells, 2 or 3 genera of arbuscular mycorrhiza are present.
If the chromosomes of such cells are selectively stained with a dye such as acetic orcein, stages in mitosis can be observed.
Employing these tactics enabled each wave of two-ship pairs to engage tanks selectively and avoid dropping ordnance on less significant targets.
Reverse osmosis a high pressure filtration system that uses selectively permeable membranes with extremely small pores to separate ions and particles.
Mowing is indiscriminate and does not act selectively; for instance it is impossible to mow only the grass in a mixed sward.
She moves around selectively between a few preferred spots in the house which combine the warmth of a radiator with real sunlight.
It acts selectively on the AT 1 receptor subtype, which is responsible for the known actions of angiotensin II.
Furthermore this target may selectively reduce the intake of snack foods, a significant contributor to obesity, without altering hunger or satiety signals.
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Fibrinogen E fragment selectively disrupts the vasculature and inhibits the growth of murine tumors in a syngeneic murine model.
Material is acquired extensively on the history and sociology of witch crazes in English, French and German, and more selectively in Spanish.
Breeders were selectively breeding the cats to exhibit unusual traits such as extreme tubular-looking bodies, long legs and a wedge-shaped head.
However, some breeders refused to selectively breed the cats, instead opting to retain the traditional look of long ago.
Audio files can be individually distributed to all students, selectively e-mailed, or accessed on a single Web site.
Personally, I believe a dog should be given time to reach maturity before his energies are redirected into breeding, and then he should only be bred selectively a few times each year.
If budget is a concern or you only have access to a limited assortment of organic items, shop selectively.
Serengeti's patented "Spectral Control System" selectively filters the various wavelengths of light, giving truer, clearer color perception.
In the case of selectively mute children, the anxiety responses are triggered by social interactions in settings such as school, the playground, or social gatherings.
They also know that anxious children avoid situations they fear or (in the case of selectively mute children) avoid speech in anxiety-provoking situations.
Cognitive strategies for the selectively mute child aim to reduce the social anxiety that is often part of the disorder.
This process is combined with behavioral strategies that focus on helping the selectively mute child to talk in increasingly challenging situations.
Tooth decay in pits and fissures may be differentiated from dark shadows in the crevices of the chewing surfaces by a dye that selectively stains parts of the tooth that have lost mineral content.
In addition, domestic cats have been selectively bred for appearance rather than for fierceness or aggression.
Choose selectively of the costume jewelry, for the main adornment of the fairy is her golden or silvery crown.
The freezing of molten cast iron of 2.50% of carbon goes on selectively like that of these steels which we have been studying, till the enrichment of the molten mother-metal in carbon brings its carbon-contents to B, 4.30%, the eutectic 1 carbon-content, i.e.
The research work provided direct confirmation of the extent to which the hypnotist can selectively activate given areas of the brain.
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