A process by which heritable traits conferring survival and reproductive advantage to individuals, or related individuals, tend to be passed on to succeeding generations and become more frequent in a population, whereas other less favourable traits tend to become eliminated; the differential survival and reproduction of phenotypes.
The process or act of selecting.
The large number of good candidates made selection difficult.
Something selected.
My final selection was a 1934 Chateau Lafitte.
A variety of items taken from a larger collection.
I've brought a selection of fine cheeses to go with your wine.
A musical piece.
For my next selection, I'll play Happy Birthday in F-sharp minor.
A set of data obtained from a database using a query.
The ability of predicates to determine the semantic content of their arguments. Wp
A list of items on which user operations will take place. Wp
A unary operation that denotes a subset of a relation.
The free selection before survey of crown land in some Australian colonies under land legislation introduced in the 1860s. Wp
The stage of a genetic algorithm in which individual genomes are chosen from a population for later breeding. Wp
The natural selection process is survival of the fittest.
The machine was set for "random selection" so no one was cheated.
Megan considered the selection and ordered a pound of lunchmeat sliced thick.
Thus it is that the variations are produced upon which natural selection has to work.
On the fertile low grounds along the margins of rivers or in clearings of forests, agricultural communities naturally take their rise, dwelling in villages and cultivating the wild grains, which by careful nurture and selection have been turned into rich cereals.
Diners can choose from a large selection of salads and antipasti at this casual restaurant.
The bar features a selection of fine wines as well as beer and mixed drinks.
Any town with a theater should be large enough to have a selection of stores.
Selection of soups and salads are avaliable at the cafe for those who want a lighter, healthier lunch.
A full selection of beer and specialty teas are available at the bar.
Vegetarians aren't forgotten, even the ones who do not eat dairy, the vegetarian selection has pasta and tofu as well as vegetables that can be cooked in your choice of broth.
When dining here, be sure to save room for a tasty selection from the pastry cart.
The restaurant's extensive margarita selection includes a range of tequilas and a "very secret" homemade sour mix.
Wake yourself up with some fresh brewed coffee and espresso, or enjoy the unusual ice cream selection.
The city provides a selection of restaurants that serve fine food and wine.
These structures were believed by C. Darwin to be explicable by sexual selection.
He arranges a selection from his observations on the nebulae in such a way as to give great plausibility to his view of the gradual transmutation of nebulae into stars Herschel begins by showing us that there are regions in the heavens where a faint diffused nebulosity is all that can be detected by the telescope.
He had an ambition to become registrar-general; and when that post became vacant in 1879, he was so disappointed at the selection of Sir Brydges Henniker instead of himself, that he refused to stay any longer in the registrar's office.
A selection from his statistical writings was published in 1885 under the editorship of Mr Noel Humphreys.
Hamilton's edition of Reid also contains an account of the university of Glasgow and a selection of Reid's letters, chiefly addressed to his Aberdeen friends the Skenes, to Lord Kames, and to Dr James Gregory.
The summingup of divine powers manifested in the universe in a threefold division represents an outcome of speculation in the schools attached to the temples of Babylonia, but the selection of Anu, Bel and Ea for the three representatives of the three spheres recognized, is due to the importance which, for one reason or the other, the centres in which Anu, Bel and Ea were worshipped had acquired in the popular mind.
Oxen were much prized, and breeding was carried on with a careful eye to selection.
Accordingly a selection of particular plants to breed from, because they possess certain desirable characteristics, is as rational as the selection of particular animals for breeding purposes in order to maintain the character of a herd of cattle or of a flock of sheep.
When selection is being made for several characters at the same time, and also in hybridization experiments, where it is important to have full records of the characters of individual plants and their progeny, " score cards," such as are used in judging stock, with a scale of points, are used.
Attention has been paid in the West Indies to seed selection, by the officers of the imperial Department of Agriculture, with the object of retaining for West Indian Sea Island cotton its place as the most valuable cotton on the British market.
We write;L 22 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 n-2 b2s 3 n - 3 3 n-3 3 n-3 3 a 3 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 b 2 .c 1 c2, and so on whenever we require to represent a product of real coefficients symbolically; we then have a one-to-one correspondence between the products of real coefficients and their symbolic forms. If we have a function of degree s in the coefficients, we may select any s sets of umbrae for use, and having made a selection we may when only one quantic is under consideration at any time permute the sets of umbrae in any manner without altering the real significance of the symbolism.
This is what Darwin especially intended to denote by the term "sexual selection."
The restaurant offers a good selection of appetizers and tapas, and they do catering as well.
He detailed the man's selection of clothes and the contents of his medicine cabinet as he shaved.
The presbytery consists of all the ministers and a selection of the ruling elders from the congregations within a prescribed area.
Wallace published their Theory of Natural Selection.
These are discussed under the headings Heredity; Mendelism; and Variation And Selection.
The great work that is going on is the simplification of the facts to be explained by grouping them under empirical laws; and the most general statement relating to these that can yet be made is that no single one of these laws has as yet shown signs of taking rank as a vera causa comparable with the Darwinian principle of natural selection.
Of other works it is only possible to give a classified selection.
In connexion with the Monumenta Pertz also began the publication of a selection of sources in octavo form, the Scriptores rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum; among his other literary labours may be mentioned an edition of the Gesammelte Werke of Leibnitz, and a life of Stein.
The selection, however, was not finally made without prolonged hesitation.
The winter found him arranging for the publication in England of the selection from his articles and reviews which appeared in 1845, under the title of Critical and Historical Essays, and was issued almost contemporaneously at New York under the title of Biographical and Critical Miscellanies.
His power lies chiefly in the clear grasp of fact, in selection and synthesis, in the vivid narration of incident.
The site of Berkeley was a farming region until its selection for the home of the university.
The great saying of each of these rabbis is concerned with the duties of a judge; the selection does justice to the importance of the Sanhedrin, which was filled with Pharisees.
Many other inquiries conducted by him might be mentioned, and some idea may be gained of his scientific activity from the fact that a selection only from his papers, published by the Cambridge University Press, fills three large volumes.
Careful annual selection by hand of the best seed is the only way to prevent degeneration.
Both the quantity and the quality of the produce, and consequently its feeding value, must depend greatly upon the selection of the best description of roots to be grown, and on the character and the amount of the manures, and especially on the amount of nitrogenous manure employed.
The judges, in making their awards at the show held annually in December, at Islington, North London (since 1862), are instructed to decide according to quality of flesh, lightness of offal, age and early maturity, with no restrictions as to feeding, and thus to promote the primary aim of the club in encouraging the selection and breeding of the best and most useful animals for the production of meat, and testing their capabilities in respect of early maturity.
What is to be the principle of selection?
The final and all-important act of selection from among these men was, however, to be made by a personage, styled the proclamateur-electeur, who chose all the important functionaries, and, conjointly with the notabilities of the nation, chose the members for the Council of State (wielding the chief executive powers), the Tribunate and the Senate.
Bonaparte's selection gave general satisfaction, as also did the personnel of the Council of State (divided into five sections for the chief spheres of government) and of the other organs of state.
Like Gloger, Sundevall in his ideal system separated the true passerines from all other birds, calling them Volucres; but he took a step further, for he assigned to them the highest rank, wherein nearly every recent authority agrees with him; out of them, however, he chose the thrushes and warblers to stand first as his ideal " Centrum " - a selection which, though in the opinion of the present writer erroneous, is still largely followed.
The selection of works was made by an international jury from which Venetian artists were excluded.
During the periods the cottons have been cultivated, selection, conscious or unconscious, has been carried on, resulting in the raising, from the same stock probably, in different places, of well-marked forms, which, in the absence of the history of their origin, might be regarded as different species.