A sei whale.
No sketch, however brief, can omit a reference to the Anglican bishop of South Tokyo, Edward Bickersteth (1850-1897), who from his appointment in 1886 guided the joint movement of English and American Episcopalians which issued in the Nippon Sei Kokwai or Holy Catholic Church of Japan, a national church with its own laws and its own missions in Formosa.
However, sei whales do not swim on their side when feeding, as in other rorquals.
We'll also be on the lookout for fin, sperm, humpback and sei whales as well as several other seal species.
Fin whales may dive to depths of over 200 m, which is deeper than either blue or sei whales.
For example, SEI makes "Scrapbook in a Box" kits that include all the supplies for an album, plus detailed instructions on how to assemble each page.