A small room, next to a kitchen, where washing up and other domestic chores are done.
I have known Cinderella ever since she was a scullery maid.
Many of the houses have no scullery or wash-house.
With a distinct entrance from the outer court was the kitchen court (F), with its buttery, scullery and larder, and the important adjunct of a stream of running water.
Barnhill has a large kitchen and large scullery with double sinks.
His satellites--the senior clerk, a countinghouse clerk, a scullery maid, a cook, two old women, a little pageboy, the coachman, and various domestic serfs--were seeing him off.
For the scullery maid, the day began very early.
The house is an ordinary cottage, with front room, kitchen and a small scullery on the ground floor.
Such a house would have had five or six rooms but no separate scullery.
There is a convenient house adjoining with entrance hall, sitting room, kitchen scullery, cellar, pantries and three bedrooms.
In the next and final room was the scullery with a brick boiler heated by wooden blocks for washing the clothes.
The 1950's also brought the luxury of a scullery with a cold water tap and a shared inside toilet.
Three or four shots rang out from the direction of the scullery door.
I lost heart, and lay down on the scullery floor for a long time, having no spirit even to move.
These we used to arrange in empty fish paste jars along the scullery window sill.
She padded silently downstairs to where the looking-glass leaned against the scullery wall.
It has a fully fitted kitchen and separate scullery area.