One whose activities make use of the scientific method to answer questions regarding the measurable universe. A scientist may be involved in original research, or make use of the results of the research of others.
The scientist hopped up with a cheerful salute.
The mad scientist is right-- we can't let anything living out of this town.
She would claim to be a research scientist.
The main gist of the story can be found at the New Scientist website.
Franklin as a scientist 5 and as an inventor has been decried by experts as an amateur and a dabbler; but it should be remembered that it was always his hope to retire from public life and devote himself to science.
The scientist, whose name was Ully, replaced the vial and leaned back in his chair.
Moreover, Miss Sullivan does not see why Miss Keller should be subjected to the investigation of the scientist, and has not herself made many experiments.
Get some vinegar and baking soda and play scientist.
That was the scientist in Quinn, frustrated that within grasp he held the partnered ability with Howie to go where no one before them had ventured.
Kris has a scientist named Ully who likely been given the vial.
If we return the scientist, we won.t know if it.s tainted.
The Council's scientist hunched as the demons took his arms and withdrew him from the chamber.
Almost the only American scientist of his day, he displayed remarkably deep as well as remarkably varied abilities in science and deserved the honours enthusiastically given him by the savants of Europe.
Charles Lucien Jules Laurent (1803-18J7), prince of Canino, son of Lucien Bonaparte, was a scientist rather than a politician.
Denham, and several important voyages for scientific research were made in the second half of the 19th century, including one from Austria under Captain Wiillerstorf Urbair (1858), and one from Italy in the vessel "Magenta" (1865-1868), which was accompanied by the scientist Dr Enrico Giglioli.
He was already an elderly man, with a firmly established reputation, when he became a bishop. As an ecclesiastical statesman he showed the same fiery zeal and versatility of which he had given proof in his academical career; but the general tendency of modern writers has been to exaggerate his political and ecclesiastical services, and to neglect his performances as a scientist and scholar.
The brunet scientist leaned forward to hit the intercom button.
A tough cop finds himself assigned to investigate the disappearance of a beautiful scientist.
The increasingly demented scientist murders anyone who stumbles on the truth.
I am not saying the research scientist loses out to the florist in Akron, Ohio.
As an investigator he kept always the scientist's attitude.
It was invented by Hans Peter Luhn, an IBM scientist, in the early 1950s.
Kill the first scientist you find at the beginning of the game (who turns into a zombie) and look at the main control panel.
You join a boat run by Kat, who is a scientist looking to catalog the ocean's creatures off of Manoa Lai.
Half-Life 2 plants you back in the shoes of Gordon Freeman, scientist extraordinaire.
Once again, you play Gordon Freeman, the scientist from the original Half-life that saved the world from an alien invasion.
The Big Apple has been invaded by an alien force lead by an evil scientist named Nile Von Roekel.
A brilliant Russian scientist -- who was developing a top secret project that could turn the tide of the war -- has been kidnapped.
As Snake, you para-drop into the jungle a few miles from where the scientist is being kept with orders to locate and extract him.
You need to create a school, so drag the master scientist over an existing building.
According to an article in the May 12, 2001 issue of New Scientist, it is the most difficult to ascertain but is essentially the deep inner feeling a child has about whether he or she is a male or female.
New Scientist has wonderful slide shows on science activities, such as great close-up photos of the difference in individual snowflakes.
Her children take a class from a homeschool dad in the co-op who is a research scientist, an area she knows little about.
Legend says that a Chinese scientist developed the this calendar 700 years ago as a means of helping a pregnant woman predict the sex of her baby.
Vitamin K was first discovered in 1929 by a Danish scientist, Henrik Dam, who noticed the coagulatory properties associated with specific blood chemistry.
As fascinating as that is for the scientist in all of us, the game of Candyland is meant to be enjoyed.
It was discovered around 1907 when a Belgian scientist, Dr. Leo Baekeland, inadvertently combined the two substances to discover a compound that was remarkably heat resistant.
His anger surprised her with its intensity, and she judged from Ully's reaction that seeing the lord and master pissed was not something the good-natured mad scientist wanted anything to do with.
At barely above her height and slender, the mad scientist was very unlike the Immortal warriors that filled the castle.
The first fuel cell was built in 1839 by Sir William Grove, a Welsh judge and gentleman scientist.
New Scientist More rare hummingbirds spotted in Texas The recent sighting of a rare hummingbird has bird biologists in Texas almost giddy.
In the past, a scientist began with a surmise or hunch and began gathering data to prove or disprove it.
If you were a scientist in Salk's time, you did calculations by hand and wrote observations in notebooks.
A fascinating character and an extremely patient experimenter, Mendel was a German friar and scientist who figured out that plants (and presumably animals) had inheritable characteristics.
Dr. Howe was an experimental scientist and had in him the spirit of New England transcendentalism with its large faith and large charities.
Instead, this softly spoken scientist allowed his message to do the talking, and it spoke with an urgent eloquence.
Songs like Daylight, The Whisper and The Scientist splurged out over two weeks, and we recorded them very quickly.
Termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite - waste disposal.
A scientist 's assistant attempts to unmask a sinister villain named The Recorder who can control an electronic flying disk.
The scientist and artist Hubert Duprat has placed Caddis worm larvae in vitrines lined with gold dust and tiny particles of jewels.