An ornamental staff held by a ruling monarch as a symbol of power.
To give a sceptre to.
To invest with royal power.
His father keeps a cookshop here by the Stone Bridge, and you know there was a large icon of God Almighty painted with a scepter in one hand and an orb in the other.
In Christian art, it is often shown atop Christ's scepter.
His left hand is raised in blessing, while in his right hand he is holding a scepter.
They are the oldest surviving regalia in Britain and consist of a crown, a sword and a scepter.
Carry a shamrock scepter and a pot of gold to round out the costume.
The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
The cane with which they beat him became a mock scepter.
The ball represented the terrestrial globe and the stick in his other hand a scepter.
She normally holds a scepter or cornucopia in her other hand.
Only the king or Osiris, the king of the dead could carry this scepter.
It is the Lord who wields the scepter, it is the King who is urged to rule.
The lord placed the scepter in the hands of the messenger going to the mountains.
Enlil gave the scepter to me, his beloved son, in the Ki-ur.
Here, she is pictured crowned, with the Christ Child on her lap, bearing a scepter in her left hand.
Briefly, you must collect three pieces of the royal scepter and return it.
This means the imperial scepter with the relics deposited in it.
And as " B. M. " got more and more footing, the poor people felt its iron scepter.
The werewolf sprang at him, only to be batted back by the hero 's scepter.
Verse 2 - God will expand Jesus ' mighty scepter or reign in ever widening circles until no foe remains to oppose his rule.