The territory governed by a satrap; a province of any of several ancient empires of Western Asia (specifically, of the Median or Achaemenid empires or certain of their successors, including the Sassanian Empire and Hellenistic empires).
The annual tribute imposed on the satrapy of Egypt and Cyrene was heavy, but it was probably raised with ease.
Each satrapy was again subdivided into several minor governorships.
In the time of Darius (see Persia) the valley of the Indus was a Persian satrapy.
We are to become a satrapy of the Pentagon, with all that implies.
He recovered and beat down the resistance of the tribes, leaving them annexed to the Macedonian satrapy west of the Indus.
For the Asiatic provinces and Egypt, the old Persian name of satrapy (see Satrap) was still retained, but the governor seems to have been styled of Govern- officially in Greek strategos, although the term satrap certainly continued current in common parlance.
Personal cupidity, discourtesy to the allies, and a tendency to adopt the style and manners of oriental princes, combined to alienate from him the sympathies of the Ionian allies, who realized that, had it not been for the Athenians, the battle of Salamis would never have been even fought, and Greece would probably have become a Persian satrapy.
The Hebrews were not, of course, only the Jews, but all of the nations of the Persian satrapy of Abarnahara.
At the second partition, at Triparadisus (321), Seleucus was given the government of the Babylonian satrapy.
These, however, in spite of more than one revolt, continued to supply fleets to the Persians down to the time of the Macedonia invasion (332 B.C.), and inland Syria remained comparatively peaceful first under its own local governors, and, after Darius, as a satrapy, till its subjugation by Alexander.
Otherwise the only eastern satrapy whose governor was not a Macedonian, was Areia, under Stasanor, a Cypriote Greek.
But now a third war began, the old associates of Antigonus, alarmed by his overgrown power, combining against him - Cassander, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, the governor of Thrace, and Seleucus, who had fled before Antigonus from his satrapy of Babylonia.
Under the Persian empire Cilicia was apparently governed by tributary native kings, who bore a name or title graecized as Syennesis; but it was officially included in the fourth satrapy by Darius.
They were incorporated by Croesus with the Lydian monarchy, with which they fell under the dominion of Persia (546 B.C.), and were included in the satrapy of Phrygia, which comprised all the countries up to the Hellespont and Bosporus.
Phoenicia now became part of the fifth satrapy of the Persian Empire, and entered upon a spell of comparative peace and growing prosperity.
In the battle of Gaugamela (1st of October 331) he commanded the troops of his satrapy.
Cyrus, recalled to Susa by the illness of Darius, left him in entire control of his satrapy.
An armistice was concluded between Tithraustes and Agesilaus, who left the southern satrapy and again invaded Phrygia, which he ravaged until the following spring.
On its conquest by the generals of Kublai Khan in 1278 the island was incorporated with the western part of the province of Kwangtung in a new satrapy, Hai-peh Hai-nan Tao, i.e.
Under the Medes and Persians Armenia was a satrapy governed by a member of the reigning family; and after the battle of Arbela, 331 B.C., it was ruled by Persian governors appointed by Alexander and his successors.