The traditional custom of a Hindu woman giving herself up to be cremated on her husband’s funeral pyre as a sign of her devotion.
The true sati is she who dieth from the shock of separation from her husband.
With Khnum are associated the goddesses Sati and Neith.
Therefore, we should correctly understand that sati can arise naturally.
The realities sati is not aware of arise and then fall away completely.
In solitary confinement for nine years, he practiced Buddhism primarily by practicing sati (mindfulness) and reciting sutras in Pali.
If sati of satipaììhåna does not arise, there is no way to become free from the accumulation of akusala.
Sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati.
If sati of sati of satipaììhåna does not arise, there is no way to become free from the accumulation of akusala.
Sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati does not arise when one clings to the view of a self who wants to have sati.
Instead of comparing or thinking of another situation, one can learn to follow what is conditioned already, and develop sati.
Then we can know that sati is aware of the reality of anger at that moment.
Acharn Supee reminded us that we may try to induce sati by acting in a specific way.
It is important not to forget that sati is not self and that panna is not self.