To drain, suck or absorb from (tree, etc.).
To exhaust the vitality of.
Eventually it was found that the best plan was to sap through them.
Sugar is also prepared from the sap in a similar manner to that obtained from the maple.
A tree may yield 3 gallons of juice a day and continue flowing for six weeks; but on an average only about 4 lb of sugar are obtained from each tree, 4 to 6 gallons of sap giving 1 lb of sugar.
In his Statical Essays (1727) he gave an account of numerous experiments and observations which he had made on the nutrition of plants and the movement of sap in them.
The sap which flows in the spring is drawn off and boiled down to an agreeable spirit, or fermented with a birch-wine of considerable alcoholic strength.
When two different generations are produced in one year on the same kind of tree it is clear the properties of the sap and tissues of the tree must be diverse so that the two generations are adapted to different conditions.
That which comes into the European market as jaggery or khaur is obtained from the sap of several palms, the wild date (Phoenix sylvestris), the palmyra (Borassus flabellifer), the coco-nut (Cocos nucifera), the gomuti (Arenga saccharifera) and others.
Many people are allergic to the sap of pine trees.
The willows are cut at the first indication of the sap rising and "couched" in rotten peelings and soil at a slight angle, the butts being on the ground, which should be strewn with damp straw from a manure heap. The tops are covered lightly with rotted peelings and by periodical application of water, fermentation is induced at the bottom, heat is engendered, the leaves force their way through the covering and peeling may begin.
The sap is collected in spring, just before the foliage develops, and is procured by making a notch or boring a hole in the stem of the tree about 3 ft.
The Hevea product is obtained annually by tapping the trees and coagulating the sap over a smoky fire, but the caucho is procured by felling the tree and collecting the sap in a hollow in the ground where it is coagulated by stirring in a mixture of soap and the juice of a plant called vetilla.
Time of year In the wetter months, the off-road sections can get extremely claggy which can really sap your energy.
The dull black colored adults feed on sap from oak twigs.
These can easily sap the strength of a poem.
Seen under the microscope these stipules have small droplet of what I assume to be sugary sap in the hollow underneath.
The poor, naïve sap thought he would actually pick up a pencil.
The film paves a little too much sap with sobbing tragic love.
Is it mostly dry but with wet slippy bits under the trees where the tree sap has fallen?
Oh wait a sec, didn't I fight 3 months to move the SAP authentication to LDAP?
The grain may be enhanced by dark speckles of sap.
The solvent we use is pure gum turpentine, a natural product itself - being distilled pine sap.
The base of each hair is thin walled and swollen with cell sap.
It has been stated that when present in blossoms they feed on nectar, but it is more probable that there--as on the green parts - they suck sap. In any case, their presence in apple blossoms has been known to prevent the formation of fruit through injury to the essential organs of the flower, and some species do considerable damage to ears of corn.
In these we have (1) the evaporation from the damp delicate cell-walls into the intercellular spaces; (2) the imbibition by the cell-wall of water from the vacuole; (3) osmotic action, consequent upon the subsequent increased concentration of the cell sap, drawing water from the wood cells or vessels which abut upon the leaf parenchyma.
Eventually the protoplasm usually forms only a lining to the cell wall, and a large vacuole filled with cell sap occupies the centre.
It has been supposed that because the surface of the young leaves is small transpiration is correspondingly feeble; but it must be remembered, not only that their newlyformed tissue is unable without an abundant supply of sap from the roots to resist the excessive drying action of the atmosphere, but that, in spring, the lowness of the temperature at that season in Great Britain prevents the free circulation of the sap. The comparative dryness of the atmosphere in spring also causes a greater amount of transpiration then than in autumn and winter.
The bark of the tree contains a thick, resinous, acrid sap which blackens on exposure to the air.
In addition, its sap was used for medicinal purposes like rubbing the body to cure rheumatic pain.
The enemy advanced of the sap, blowing up a sandbag barricade leaving just one foot of its standing.
The cathedral must be saved, he said damage to the fabric would sap the morale of the country.
Red spider mites are sap sucking insects that can reduce the vigor of plants.
There are many things that can support or sap the will of programmers considering the unified model of service delivery.
Oh wait a sec, did n't I fight 3 months to move the SAP authentication to LDAP?
Thrips feed on cell sap by piercing the leaf or flower bud with their mouthparts.
But the SAP is being driven to disintegration by the vacillating, indecisive policies of Seydewitz, and of Walcher as well.
Agave nectar comes from the sap of the agave cactus.
The leaves and strings make thread and needles and the sap actually lathers with water to form a crude type of soap.
The early Spaniard colonists tried fermenting agave sap and created a new beverage, tequila, when they couldn't import European liquor fast enough to meet demand.
It is named milk thistle due to the white spots on the leaves and the whitish sap the leaves produce.
Aphids often excrete a sweet, sticky substance as they suck sap from your plants.Aphids may be found feeding on your vegetables, shrubs, flowers and trees.
If you don't pull weeds growing among the asparagus, they can either take over the bed and dominate the asparagus or sap vital nutrients from the plants.
They don't stay in tune very well, and they sap your guitar of its vitality and life.
Whether you like the acoustic touches of Sap or Jar of Flies or the heavy metal touches of Facelift, there are some great Alice in Chains bass tabs available free of charge for bassists to get their hands on.
It can be used as a sweetener in many recipes.It takes about 50 gallons of maple sap to make one gallon of maple syrup.
Of course, additional cleanings may be required if your RV is not parked in a covered area and it is exposed to unusually heavy amounts of tree sap and other substances that may result in particularly difficult outdoor cleaning challenges.
Opium latex-The milky juice or sap of the opium poppy, used to produce morphine.
The sap of the jewelweed plant (Impatiens capensis) is thought to be helpful in binding to and removing urushiol from skin.
In addition, a few people are sensitive to the milky sap and will get irritated skin from handling it.
This natural product is made from the hardened sap of two species of the acacia tree.
Gum tragacanth is made from the dried sap of several species of Middle Eastern legumes.