Fabius Sanga, their "patron" in Rome, who in his turn acquainted Cicero.
Germany gained a better outlet to the Sanga river.
The south boundary runs in a fairly direct line from the mouth of the Campo river to the river Dscha (or Ngoko), which it follows to its confluence with the Sanga.
In the south-east of the colony the streams - of which the chief are the Dscha and Bumba - are tributaries of the Sanga, itself an affluent of the Congo.
Ngoko is a trading station on the Dscha, in the south-east of the protectorate, near the confluence of that river with the Sanga.
The best-known of these companies, the St d-Kamerun, holds a concession over a large tract of country by the Sanga river, exporting its rubber, ivory and other produce via the Congo.
Among cattle the Sanga or Galla ox is the most common.
Beside Edda Sanga, she recruited another of her former students, Rose Haji, producer of a popular radio soap opera about health.
A still more formidable enemy awaited him; the Rana Sanga of Mewar collected the enormous force of 210,000 men, with which he moved against the invaders.