A place set apart, as with a sanctum sanctorum; a sacred or private place; a private retreat or workroom.
Also next month, we enter the inner sanctum of one of the world's truly great make-up artists.
The attackers had to get through a series of castle defenses before reaching this inner sanctum of the castle.
The worship of the tulsi plant, or holy basil (Ocymum sanctum, Don), by the Hindus is popularly explained by its consecration to Vishnu and Krishna.
Blair was quite certain that he was going to be welcomed into the EU inner sanctum with all due pomp and ceremony.
Finding the hound lulled to sleep, the children pass tests required to reach an inner sanctum.
Nor would I have penetrated the inner sanctum of a moderators ' meeting!
What little daylight penetrated the front room completely failed to illuminate this inner sanctum.
Now the Defias Brotherhood has taken up residence and turned the dark tunnels into their private sanctum.
There must be loyalty to the chief far beyond the precincts of the editorial sanctum.
It is still a very pleasant inner city sanctum.
I found that some church fathers referred to otium sanctum - holy leisure.
Also next month, we enter the inner sanctum of one of the world 's truly great make-up artists.
Nor would I have penetrated the inner sanctum of a moderators ' meeting !
He greeted the host with I 'm just going to show my friends your sanctum sanctorum.
He had no right to invade the privacy of her bedroom either, in spite of having been invited into its sanctum on his previous visit.
In addition to the common treasury, supported by the general taxes and charged with the ordinary expenditure, there was a special reserve fund, also in the temple of Saturn, the aerarium sanctum (or sanctius), probably originally consisting _of the spoils of war, afterwards maintained chiefly by a 5% tax on the value of all manumitted slaves, this source of revenue being established by a lex Manlia in 357.
After this the aria "Et in spiritum sanctum," in which the next dogmatic clauses are enshrined like relics in a casket, furnishes a beautiful decorative design on which the listener can repose his mind; and then comes the voluminous ecclesiastical fugue, Confiteor unum baptisma, leading, as through the door and world-wide spaces of the Catholic Church, to that veil which is not all darkness to the eye of faith.
Beijing was always a walled city but the Forbidden City, seat of the great emperors, was the innermost sanctum of the city.
The worshipper, having first circumambulated the shrine as often as he pleases, keeping it at his right-hand side, steps up to the threshold of the sanctum, and presents his offering of flowers or fruit, which the officiating priest receives; he then prostrates himself, or merely lifts his hands - joined so as to leave a hollow space between the palms - to his forehead, muttering a short prayer, and takes his departure.
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