In feudal Japan, a soldier who served a daimyo.
In Japan of the 12th century, samurai warriors were well versed in the arts, and might easily have used origami during the course of Shinto worship or as a form of artistic expression.
Adams had truly become a samurai, forgoing his English attire for sumptuous silk kimonos.
To this day, Mizuno shoes are initially designed using irons forged in the same manner as samurai swords, making for a perfect melding of ancient and modern styles.
Classic 9 x 9 Sudoku, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer, Samurai are among the mind-bending logic puzzles that are.. .
The famous ' box-like ' armor worn by the original samurai was called the o-yoroi or ' great armor ' .
Japanese samurai were, however, allowed to carry their weapons there.
By the 14th century samurai were fighting more and more on foot and battles were on a larger scale.
The samurai (soldier) learned that his first characteristic must be to suppress all outward displays of emotion.
Take part in our Samurai school, be amazed by Japanese horse archery, and enjoy a tour of the Oriental gallery.
Samurai converts to Christianity also tended to use the arquebus although Shimazu Takahisa did not himself convert.
The Samurai water-cooled chiller is available from 120 kW to 740 kW and is one of the most efficient water-cooled chillers available today.
You are the daimyo of one of the greatest samurai clans.
What are the essential virtues, expectations, and/or limitations of the entire samurai vampire genre?
Its mysterious intrinsic beauty and practicality may well have led the Samurai warriors to cover the hilts of their swords with such skin.
This banner bore the mon or badge of the samurai's clan and served to identify him and his allegiance.
To the Samurai, the Ninja really were morally reprehensible.
As a result, the Lord`s retainers become ronin, masterless samurai.
Being a big fan of these types of movies I was slightly skeptical about seeing the last samurai.
Will they ever find the samurai who smells of sunflowers?
A samurai warrior armed with feudal weaponry would not last long against the missiles, tanks, etc. employed by their modern counterparts.
The Japanese samurai always prided himself on having no second word.
No samurai frequented the former or associated with the latter.
Classic 9 x 9 Sudoku, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer, Samurai are among the mind-bending logic puzzles that are...
The famous ' box-like ' armor worn by the original samurai was called the o-yoroi or ' great armor '.
Young samurai only shaved the forepart of the crown leaving the forelock intact.
And I do n't want a kit that is to close to the 6M samurai.
The samurai sword is considered by many to be the spirit of old Japan.
Haggar is about to give the samurai warrior a taste of his own sword in the underworld fighting arena.
Here, you can see antiques from Japans past, including samurai armor.
Killer sudoku is my favorite sudoku variation (with the possible exception of killer samurai sudoku).
Ten minutes later, he swaggered back into the study with the panache of the overlord in a classical samurai film.
Samurai swords were worn in pairs, one being longer than the other.
The Samurai 2 fly 's faster which has increased its upwind ability.
On rare occasions, he morphs into a "Samurai Lincoln."
Although officially listed as a first-person shooter, this game makes use of a samurai sword in addition to the John Woo-style gunfight.
From traditional cranes to fortune-tellers to samurai helmets, origami is an ancient art that continues to innovate while preserving its past.
Young knights and samurai can win any battle with the help of inventive Nerf swords.
For this reason, Samurai warriors often placed butterfly symbols on their armor.
The Samurai would use paper folding as a way to exchange gifts.
The AI Samurai board shorts are the latest addition to the collection.
Worn by Irons himself in surfing competitions and on video, the Samurai is considered one of the top-of-the-line board shorts for surfers.
Sailing ships are still seen from time to time, but more Asian influenced styles, such as dragons and samurai, are becoming increasingly popular.
The Samurai saw the butterfly as a symbol of evolution.
This fair trade site offers a huge selection of Samurai wrap pants and fisherman's pants.
These Persian green stripped Samurai pants are a dynamic fashion choice for men's yoga clothing, as are these Thai yoga pants.
And I don't want a kit that is to close to the 6M samurai.
Take the latest samurai vampire novel, for instance.
The Sword- sword being regarded as the soul of the samurai, making every one who contributed to its manufacture, Families, whether as forger of the blade or sculptor of the furniture, was held in high repute.
First developed by Denbei Shoami, a master metalsmith from the Akita prefecture, mokume gane was originally used to decorate samurai swords to symbolize wealth and status.
He can be seen as a movement toward the dark heroes of later samurai epics.