A man whose job it is to sell things, either in a shop/store or elsewhere.
The nickname had been given him by three other salesmen at the office.
They used to call aluminum siding salesmen 'tin men.'
Around Luxor Temple, shopping is dominated by tourist bazaars with enthusiastic salesmen.
The drinks arrived in glasses better designed for raising fish than serving alcohol—a sure hit with the traveling salesmen.
It is nevertheless the experience of yarn salesmen that Lancashire produces an increasingly large amount of specialities that indicate a continued differentiation in trade.
Export buyers, attended by salesmen, are commonly more or less stationary and prominent; Burnley manufacturers abound in one locality and spinners of Egyptian yarns in another.
The drinks arrived in glasses better designed for raising fish than serving alcohol—a sure hit with the traveling salesmen.
Salesmen in Unilever uniforms act as mobile advertisements, and by traveling door-to-door develop personal relationships with shopkeepers.
The best defense against pushy salesmen is to know the tire sizes you need.
And do n't let the salesmen call until technical support has told them all issues are resolved.
The paper 's editor accused Ms Gorn 's campaign team of acting like " snake-oil salesmen ".
In 1938 about 70% of vacuum cleaners were sold by door-to-door salesmen.
But nearly a year on, unscrupulous salesmen are still up to their old tricks.
He should sit in his office and let the used-car salesmen of empire come to him.
The necessity to earn more than could be put together by begging, slowly transformed them from itinerant musicians into itinerant ice-cream salesmen.
Snake oil salesmen have been selling all sorts of " cures " for many, many years, even up to the present.
Your comment on " web accessibility snake oil salesmen " really hit home for me.
The salesmen are often told to make deals if it makes sense for the business.
The salesmen are doing nothing wrong; they are often told to do so to make the sale.
You still have to be smart about it because the salesmen may push you harder to close the sale or take your first negotiation pretty quickly.
Before buying a TV, you should do a little research on high-def televisions because most salesmen use techie-talk and you don't want to feel confused as you ask those questions you think you should ask.
Thus, many people find themselves lost and at the mercy of salesmen out to push the most expensive model.
This article will briefly discuss what to look for when buying laptops, and give a bit of background to help you avoid the trap of salesmen who seek mostly to make the most of their commission.
Maybe the amount of information thrown at you by salesmen or other tips articles frustrates you into halting your purchase.
It's easy to assume that salesmen selling men's designer ties are just out to snow-job you into spending a lot of money.
Be wary of aggressive map salesmen that can overcharge - a simple map of the park is all you need.
Despite the enticing claims of late-night television infomercials and supplement salesmen, there is no such thing as abdominal spot reduction.
Margolis is also well known for her work as the sidekick in late night infomercials, working with salesmen such as Tony Robbins and Don Lapre.
We've had firefighters, salesmen, lawyers, you name it.
It served an occasional thrifty traveler but mostly catered to salesmen, many on a repeat basis.
The centre of trade is the Manchester Royal Exchange, and though some companies or firms prefer to do business by means of their own salaried salesmen, managers or directors, most of the yarn is sold by agents.
Having some common sense and good buying techniques will help you stay clear from sheisty used car salesmen.