Roughly speaking, Little Russia, otherwise called the Ukraine, may be described as the basin of the Dnieper southward of the 51st parallel of latitude.
His features were heavy and roughly hewn.
The king was about to waken him roughly, when he saw a piece of paper on the floor beside him.
It is roughly oblong in form, measuring about 80 m.
The town of Ouray rests at the boxed-in end of the narrowing Uncompahgre Valley, which spreads from the towering San Juan Mountains in roughly a northwest direction, dropping elevation as the valley gradually widens.
The pace of advancement in the field of robotics and nanotechnology roughly doubles every couple of years.
He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her roughly against him and kissed her lips in a demanding way that roused more anger than anything else.
The massive lake was roughly round with a panhandle on the side nearest the fortress.
Darkyn was a head shorter than Kris and wider, his steady gaze and roughly hewn features reminding him of Rhyn.
Roughly a quarter of the way through our list of factors that will end war, we have reached the end of the economic ones.
In 2006, roughly a billion people had access to the Internet.
After that, it diminishes roughly in proportion to the delay.
He grabbed her roughly and shook her, his fingers digging into her arms.
As to the number of vessels, which fluctuates from month to month, little can be said that is wholly accurate at any given moment, but, very roughly, the French navy in 1909 included 25 battleships, 7 coast defence ironclads, 19 armoured cruisers, 36 protected cruisers, 22 s1oops, gunboats, &c., 45 destroyers, 319 torpedo boats, 71 submersibles and submarines and 8 auxiliary cruisers.
Within the city the principal streets have been roughly paved, and iron bars placed across the narrow alleys to prevent the passage of camels.
Thus the disposition of the endoderm-cavities is roughly comparable to the gastrovascular system of a medusa.
Running south-east through Sumatra, east through Java and the southern islands to Timor, curving north through the Moluccas, and again north, from the end of Celebes through the whole line of the Philippines, they follow a line roughly resembling a horseshoe narrowed towards the point.
The proportion of barren land to the total area is roughly as 1 to 9; and of tillage to pasture as 2 to 3.
Practically the whole of the north-east Pacific is therefore more than 2000 fathoms deep, and the south-east has two roughly triangular spaces, including the greater part of the area, between 2000 and 3000 fathoms. Notwithstanding this great average depth, the " deeps " or areas over 3000 fathoms are small in number and extent.
In an area to be defined roughly as lying about the Tropic of Cancer, between Hawaii and the Bonin Islands, there are scattered a few small islands and reefs, of most of which the position, if not the existence, is doubtful.
Roughly dividing the Roman weights, there appears a decrease of 1/40 from imperial to Byzantine times (43).
The surface features consist of an immense elevated plateau with a chain of mountains on its eastern and western margins, which extends from the United States frontier southward to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; a fringe of lowlands (tierras calientes) between the plateau and coast on either side; a detached, roughly mountainous section in the south-east, which belongs to the Central American Plateau, and a low sandy plain covering the greater part of the Isthmus of Yucatan.
Another inundation, in 1604, suggested the transfer of the city to Tacubaya, but the landowners opposing and the city being again inundated in 1607, the Nochistongo tunnel was begun under the auspices of a Jesuit, Enrico Martinez, and roughly completed in eleven months.
For a time he nominally held sway over about two-thirds of the country - roughly, from lat.
As the city is approached from the bay, the river Liffey, which divides the city from west to east roughly into two equal parts, is seen to be lined with a fine series of quays.
The area of the United States may be roughly divided into the Appalachian belt, the Cordilleras and the central plains, as already indicated.
It measures roughly Iso m.
The Lararnie Plains and the Green river basin, essentially a single structural basic between the east-west ranges of Rattlesnake Mountains on the north and the Uinta Range on the south, measuring roughly 260 m.
The Pottsville formation is chiefly clastic, and corresponds roughly to the Millstone Grit of England.
Roughly speaking, the district consists of a series of parallel ridges, whose summits are depressed into beds or hollows, along which the rivers flow; while between the ridges are low-lying rice lands, interspersed with numerous natural reservoirs.
From the Julian Alps, which traverse the province in the north, the country descends in successive terraces towards the sea, and may roughly be divided into the upper highlands, the lower highlands, the hilly district and the lowlands.
The Rio Guahyba, which is not a river, was once called "Viamao" because its outline is roughly that of the human hand, the rivers entering the estuary at its head corresponding to the fingers.
The German islands have a small trade in sandalwood, tortoise-shell, &c. The total population may be roughly estimated at 180,000.
As has already been mentioned, the law is only verified very roughly, if Rydberg's form of equation is taken as correctly representing the series.
Roughly speaking the difference in frequency is proportional to the square of the atomic weight.
The state consists of two well-defined parts which may roughly be called the northern and the southern.
The proportion of tillage to pasturage is roughly as I to 32.
It is amusing to observe the extreme care and deliberation with which the bird draws the worm from its hidingplace, coaxing it out as it were by degrees, instead of pulling roughly or breaking it.
But, at least in the south, market centres had sprung up, town life was beginning, houses of a better type were perhaps coming into use, and the southern tribes employed a gold coinage and also a currency of iron bars or ingots, attested by Caesar and by surviving examples, which weigh roughly, some two-thirds of a pound, some 21 lb, but mostly I g lb.
A third, roughly parallel to the shore of Cardigan Bay, with forts at Llanio and Tommen-y-mur (near Festiniog), connected the northern and southern roads, while IV.
In size these animals may be compared roughly to rabbits and hares; and they have rodent-like habits, hunching up their backs after the fashion of some foreign members of the hare-family, more especially the Liu-Kiu rabbit.
To raise money offices were systematically sold, and issue after issue of the two kinds of monti-securities, which may be roughly described as government bonds and as life annuities, was marketed at ruinous rates.
Of course by far the larger part of the yarn spun in Lancashire is woven in Lancashire, but of the cotton cloth woven in Lancashire it is roughly estimated that about 20% is used in Great Britain.
Physiographically Silesia, is roughly divided into a flat and a hilly portion by the so-called Silesian Langental, which begins on the south-east near the river Malapane, and extends across the province in a west-by-north direction to the Black Elster, following in part the valley of the Oder.
The strike of these folds is usually east and west and roughly parallel to the axes of elevation of the plateau.
If the temperature at which this dense spontaneous shower of crystals is found be determined for different concentrations of solution, we can plot a "supersolubility curve," which is found generally to run roughly parallel to the "solubility curve" of steady equilibrium between liquid and already existing solid.
Roughly it may be said that where a large mass of concrete is to be mixed at one or two places a good machine will be of great advantage.
As regards its convenience for building purposes it may be said roughly that in "mass" work concrete is vastly more convenient than any other material.
West of the west Altis wall, on the strip of ground between the Altis and the river Cladeus (of which the course is roughly parallel to the west Altis wall), the following buildings were traced.
But it is clear that it extended south and south-east of the Stadium, and roughly parallel with it, though stretching far beyond it to the east.