A schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of people according to a (possibly periodic) calendar.
A kind of zither, played like a guitar, used in the Middle Ages in church music.
Every year the senate was to appoint sixteen of its number to be in constant attendance upon the king in rotas of four, which sedecimvirs were to supervise all his actions.
He left blanks of the staffing rotas, " can't see the relevance really " .
From 1 August PTS staff rotas would be re-aligned to reduce the overtime being paid.
Some Sections will organize rotas where support can be given once or twice a term by all the parents in the Section.
There are some shared rotas which only apply to weekends or even just Sundays.
They have reduced the number of on-call rotas from 117 to 44 with no increase in risk.
As PRU use the official receiver's rotas, it is important that they are kept informed of any changes to them.
Proposed shift rotas appear to have very scanty provision in terms of senior cover for ward work on a day to day basis.
Shift rotas are opposed by all the doctors I know.
He left blanks of the staffing rotas, " ca n't see the relevance really ".
As PRU use the official receiver 's rotas, it is important that they are kept informed of any changes to them.