To apply the Rolfing massage technique to.
Year after year the raids went on under a succession of leaders - Heriold, Roruk, Rolf, Godfrey - and far and wide there was pillaging, burning, murder and slavery.
In 873 Rolf seized Walcheren, and became the scourge of the surrounding districts.
By the treaty of St Clair-sur-Epte (911) their leader Rolf (Rollo) obtained one of Charless daughters in marriage and the district of the Lower Seine which the Normans had long occupied, on condition that he and his men ceased their attacks and accepted Christianity.
The bride wore a gown designed by Dutch couturiers, Viktor & Rolf, with her detailed input.
He conducts a concert of music by Danish composer Poul Ruders, featuring pianist Rolf Hind.
Johan Nordahl Brun (1745-1816), a young writer who did better things later on, gave the finishing touch to the exotic absurdity by bringing out a wretched piece called Zarina, which was hailed by the press as the first original Danish tragedy, although Ewald's exquisite Rolf Krage, which truly merited that title, had appeared two years before.
Later Dr. Rolf combined Roman's sperm with the harvested eggs of Kate Roberts (who was at that time a prostitute).
Rex accidentally killed Dr. Rolf, Stefano's physician and Rex's "creator".