A place torn; a rent; a rift.
To tear apart by force; to rend; to split; to cleave.
To pierce or cleave with a weapon.
Epd rEty, to tear, English "rive," the sense being a broken cliff or steep bank.
I saw Ray Charles at the Zenith and met the Stereophonics after a gig at an intimate venue in the rive gauche.
I use the Rive 30mm for the front and deep side tray I havnt managed to find any for the shallow side trays yet.
I owe a lot to the wonderful people at Rive Technology who encouraged me in this new venture.
In 1888 Zola departed from his usual vein in the idyllic story of Le Rive.
He was the son of Charles Gaspard de la Rive (1770-1834), who studied medicine at Edinburgh, and after practising for a few years in London, became professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the academy of Geneva in 1802 and rector in 1823.
De la Rive's birth and fortune gave him considerable social and political influence.
In 1860, when the annexation of Savoy and Nice had led the Genevese to fear French aggression, de la Rive was sent by his fellow-citizens on a special embassy to England, and succeeded in securing a declaration from the English government, which was communicated privately to that of France, that any attack upon Geneva would be regarded as a cases belli.
His son, Lucien De La Rive, born at Geneva on the 3rd of April 1834, published papers on various mathematical and physical subjects, and with Edouard Sarasin carried out investigations on the propagation of electric waves.
De la Rive reviews the subject in his large Treatise on Electricity and Magnestism, vol.
On the occasion of this visit the university of Oxford conferred upon de la Rive the honorary degree of D.C.L.