A man, especially a warrior or hero.
A ring; a circle.
A sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports, such as hockey or curling.
We played hockey all winter until the rink melted.
A surface for roller skating.
A building housing an ice rink.
A team in a competition.
The Schmirler rink won the Silver Broom.
Ordinarily a match team consists of four rinks of four players each, or sixteen men in all.
There are also several skaing rinks in Central Park.
The Queen's Park and Titwood clubs in Glasgow have each three greens, and as they can quite comfortably play six rinks on each, it is not uncommon to see 144 players making their game simultaneously.
On all good greens the game is played in rinks of four a side, there being, however, on the part of many English clubs still an adherence to the old-fashioned method of two and three a side rinks.
Superb sports center with indoor swimming pool, skating and curling rinks, sauna and solarium is complementary to guests of all our hotels.
Indoor rinks have concentrated the sport on a few centers.
Even popular "fun" types of exercise like roller skating rinks, rock climbing locations and the zoo will frequently have free or low cost community days that you can use to help you lose weight.
For example, on the ships that feature ice-skating rinks, there is a brilliant ice-skating show scheduled during each voyage.
Other sporting options may include miniature golf courses, in-line skating tracks, ice-skating rinks, jogging tracks, and basketball courts.
Royal Caribbean Cruises are a better choice for the fitness-minded, with onboard climbing walls, skating rinks, and even surf machines on their largest vessels.
The company's gigantic floating cities are equipped with innovative amenities such as onboard ice rinks, massive wave pools, and state-of-the-art theaters.
They were a huge success and many cities had indoor riding academies, very similar to the skating rinks of today.
Visit roller rinks, family fun centers, and amusement park arcades to find one.
If you can't remember some of the most infamous funky 80s hairstyles, this list will surely send you flashbacking to the era of roller rinks and legwarmers.
Use community facilities like swimming pools and skating rinks.
Roller-skating rinks, ice skating arenas and arcades also offer kid-friendly activities, usually at a group discount.