A contagious disease of ruminants and swine caused by Rinderpest virus, an RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus.
Cattle plague, or rinderpest, has not been recorded in Great Britain since 1877.
In 1865 the rinderpest, or steppe murrain, originating amongst the vast herds of the Russian steppes, had spread westward over Europe, until it was brought to London by foreign cattle.
One memorable feature was associated with 1877 in that this was the last year in which the dreaded cattle plague (rinderpest) made its appearance in England.
Rinderpest in1896-1897swept through South Africa, and probably carried off in Natal from 30 to 40% of the stock of Europeans, while the natives' losses were even heavier.
The government maintains experimental farms and forestry plantations and a veterinary department to cope with lung sickness, rinderpest, East Coast fever and such like diseases.
Rinderpest and other epidemic diseases swept over the country in 1895-1896, and during the war of1899-1902the province was practically denuded of live stock.
Canada is entirely free from rinderpest, pleuropneumonia and foot-and-mouth disease.
The neat cattle, which are of Australian and Indian origin, are raised chiefly for beef, their hides and their horns; about nine-tenths of them were destroyed by the rinderpest and the war at the close of the 19th century.
These figures showed in most cases a large decrease compared with those obtained in 1891, the cause being largely the ravages of rinderpest.
This group includes canine distemper which infects carnivores, rinderpest which is a disease of artiodactyls and the human measles virus.
The main areas of research include rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants, vesicular stomatitis, and HIV.
Stephen Blakeway attempted to quantify the result of controlling rinderpest in south Sudan.
He, from the beginning, planned to eradicate rinderpest from Africa.
When, after the introduction of cattle plague or rinderpest in 1865, the proposal was made to resort to the extreme remedy of slaughter in order to check the ravages of a disease which was pursuing its course with ruinous results, the idea was received with public indignation and denounced as barbarous.
In it " the expression ` disease' means cattle plague (that is to say, rinderpest, or the disease commonly called cattle plague), contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle (in this act called pleuro-pneumonia), foot-and-mouth disease, sheep-pox, sheep-scab, or swine fever (that is to say, the disease known as typhoid fever of swine, soldier purples, red disease, hog cholera or swine plague)."
The first two groups were immune to challenge with rinderpest virus.
These are all encouraging signs of progress in rinderpest eradication.
Later, rinderpest vaccination was included (at the insistence of UNICEF) in the work of the CAHWs.
Initially, UNICEF organized the rinderpest vaccination campaign as a separate exercise.