A very small brook; a streamlet.
To trickle, pour, or run like a small stream.
A long, narrow depression that resembles a channel, found on the surface of various lunar and planetary bodies.
It grows as steadily as the rill oozes out of the ground.
The millenium garden features ponds, waterfalls and a formal rill which leads the eye to the magnificent valley and hills beyond.
A tiny rill gradually became a boisterous stream, and the boisterous stream grew into a great river, which spread to all sections of the administration and ended by inundating the whole country.
For moist spongy spots near the rock garden, or by the side of a rill, it is one of the best plants, but its beauty is best seen when it is allowed to ramble over rich, muddy soil.
Crossing a water rill, one passes through an arched doorway into the night garden.
Down the edge of each a tiny rill glistens like silver, and this is the ever-plying shuttle that weaves the fairy fabric.
This colonnade and rill water feature run under the building along the face of the adjacent Four Piccadilly Place line.
All streams, from the tiniest rill to the greatest river, are continually engaged in transporting downstream solid particles of rock, the product of weathering agencies in the area which they drain.