An extremely toxic protein extracted from the castor bean.
Background on Ricin Ricin is a poison that can be made from the waste (mash) left over from processing castor beans.
Abrus, Ricinus and pokeweed at Cornell University poisonous plants page. abrin, ricin and pokeweed poisoning.
Two years later - in early 1997 - UNSCOM discovered evidence that Iraq had produced ricin.
How you could be exposed to ricin It would take a deliberate act to make ricin and use it to poison people.
They were alleged to have been involved in a plot to spread ricin, a deadly toxin.
The Senate Majority Leader said ricin can be inhaled, ingested or injected.
The group has told recent visitors to its enclave that it holds stocks of the deadly chemical agents ricin, cyanide gas and aflatoxin.
The residue from the castor bean pulp can be used in the production of the biological agent ricin " .
There is now word that someone tried to send a letter to the White House laced with the lethal poison ricin.
The umbrella had been rigged to inject a poison ricin pellet under Markov's skin.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced progress in decontamination efforts at the Dirksen Senate office building, where the toxin ricin was found Monday.
The existence of ricin continued to be proclaimed for over two years.
Initial symptoms of ricin poisoning by inhalation may occur within 8 hours of exposure.
Remember the " ricin plot " that sprang into life six weeks ago?
Before the ricin ring trial started, I phoned him in Arizona.
The North London ` ` ricin case ' '.
A small amount of the material recovered from the Wood Green premises has tested positive for the presence of ricin poison.
Peter Hain predicted a " ricin attack ", whatever that is, on the House of Commons.
The umbrella had been rigged to inject a poison ricin pellet under Markov 's skin.
Scientists have now isolated and modified the toxin ricin to eliminate severe side effects without compromising its power to kill tumor cells.