A submergent coastal landform, often known as a drowned river valley
He abdicated the Portuguese crown in favor of his seven year old daughter, Maria da Glória of Portugal.
Letter of 8 July to the Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Minister of State, DTI, awaiting ria; reply 17 July.
Letter of 18 July from Lord Sainsbury of Turville enclosing an initial ria.
Letter to the Chairman 21 April (awaiting revised ria ), 13 June.
We will produce an ria based on an appropriate simplified approach.
We would welcome comments, except where indicated, on all of the issues raised in this consultation document, including the ria.
A partial ria is attached at Annex 3. Question 20 Do you have any comments on the partial RIA?
A link to the revised and final ria is shown below.
Letter of 12 July from Gerry Sutcliffe MP, attaching an initial ria.
A full ria will be issued once the consultations exercise has been finalized.
A good ria will address the questions ' What is the best way of achieving the objective?
Do you have any comments on the draft ria?
The opposite form, an inlet of the sea, is known when wide as a gulf, bay or bight, according to size and degree of inflection, or as a fjord or ria when long and narrow.
Letter of 8 July to the Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Minister of State, DTI, awaiting RIA; reply 17 July.
Letter of 18 July from Lord Sainsbury of Turville enclosing an initial RIA.
Letter to the Chairman 21 April (awaiting revised RIA), 13 June.
We will produce an RIA based on an appropriate simplified approach.
We would welcome comments, except where indicated, on all of the issues raised in this consultation document, including the RIA.
Does the RIA provide an accurate picture of the impact of the new regulations?
A partial RIA is attached at Annex 3. Question 20 Do you have any comments on the partial RIA?
A link to the revised and final RIA is shown below.
Letter of 12 July from Gerry Sutcliffe MP, attaching an initial RIA.
A full RIA will be issued once the consultations exercise has been finalized.
A good RIA will address the questions ' What is the best way of achieving the objective?
This is the only deviation from the RIA process.
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Cornwall; Devon; Plymouth This site is representative of a ria system in southwest England.
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Cornwall; Devon; Plymouth Plymouth Sound and Estuaries is representative of ria estuaries in southwest England.
Do you have any comments on the draft RIA?
The latter is described in detail under the heading Masu Ria, Battles In.
Among other rivers having a westerly direction may be mentioned the Tambre, the Ulla and the Lerez or Ler, which falls into the Atlantic by estuaries or rigs called respectively Ria de Muros y Noya, Ria de Arosa and Ria de Pontevedra.
Vivero Bay and the Ria del Barquero y Vares are of a similar character; while the harbour of Ferrol ranks among the best in Europe, and is the chief naval station on the northern coast of Spain.
Another important route is that taken by the Persian or Shia pilgrims from Bagdad and Kerbela across the desert, by the wells of aina, to Bureda in Kasim; thence across the steppes of western Nejd till it crosses the Hejaz border at the Ria Mecca, 50 m.