An act or instance of revoking.
His advocacy of anti-slavery principles, then frowned upon by the Methodist authorities, aroused opposition, and eventually resulted in his trial for heresy and the revocation of his licence.
From his ascetic standpoint the revocation of the edict could only pander to drunkenness and immorality.
When he dismissed the estates, the speech from the throne held out no prospect of their speedy revocation.
We will consider additional requests for this type of phased revocation on a case-by-case basis.
Hence it was June 1529 before the court got to work at all, and then its proceedings were only preparatory to an adjournment and revocation of the suit to Rome in August.
Bahrdt's confession of faith, a step which was interpreted by the extreme rationalists as a revocation of his own rationalistic position.
The right of precedence in consultation of the oracle (7rpoyavrEia) was transferred from Athens to Philip. While indignant Athenians were clamouring for the revocation of the peace, Demosthenes upheld it in his speech "On the Peace" in September.
His earlier views on the doctrine of non-resistance had been sensibly modified by what he saw in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes and by the course of affairs at home, and in 1688 he published an Inquiry into the Measures of Submission to the Supreme Authority in defence of the revolution.
Hence came the revocation in 1540 of the edict of tolerance of Coucy (1535), and the massacre of the Vaudois (1545).
The death of Colbert and the revocation of the edict of Nantes brought the first to a close (166116831685); coinciding with the date when the Revolution in England definitely reversed the traditional system of alliances, and when the administration began to disorganize.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes vitiated thi-ough a fatal contradiction all the efforts of the latter to create new manufactures; the country was impoverished for tht1 benefit of the foreigner to such a point that economic conditions began to alarm those private persons most noted for their talents, their character, or their regard for the public welfare; such as La Bruyre and Fnelon in 1692, Bois-Guillebert in 1697 and Vauban In.
With the consent of his associates, Dr Whitman started from the station (3rd October 1842) on the perilous winter journey over the Rocky Mountains and across the plains for the missionary headquarters at Boston, to urge the revocation of the order.
But on the subject of the decree of 1616, the revocation of which Galileo had hoped to obtain through his personal influence, he found him inexorable.
The revocation had not however been promulgated.
Further incensed against France by the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685, he made an alliance with Leopold in January 1686, agreeing in return for a subsidy to send troops against the Turks.
Agriculture and commerce were improved and encouraged by a variety of useful measures, and in this connexion the settlement of a large number of Flemings, and the welcome extended to French Protestants, both before and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, were of incalculable service.
This resulted in the proposed revocation of the AQMA, subject to confirmation from ongoing monitored data.
The Master refused to make an order for partial revocation.
This would certainly appear to prevent an immediate revocation of the kind which might be necessary in a medical emergency.
Section 119 sets out the persons the responsible medical officer must notify of any such revocation.
Once a user is validated into the certificate revocation system, the user can suspend or activate any certificates in real time.
The point is that broadcasters are controlled by statute with the threat of fines and license revocation but they still make mistakes.
In 1685 Fontainebleau saw the signing of the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and in the following year the death of the great Conde.
On the revocation of the edict of Nantes he fled to Holland, and received a pension from William of Orange, who commissioned him to write an account of the persecuted Huguenots (Plaintes des Protestants cruellement opprimes dans le royaume de France, 1686).
On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he was sent to Languedoc to confirm the new converts in the Catholic faith, and he had extraordinary success in this delicate mission.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes in October 1685, and the consequent migration of a large number of industrious French Protestants, caused a considerable growth in the east end of London.
During the - latter part of the century its monarchs were en- of gaged in a bloody struggle with a powerful religious political party, the Huguenots, who finally won a toleration which they continued to enjoy until the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685.
At the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he retired to Rotterdam, where he was for some years preacher at the Walloon church; in 1695 the elector of Brandenburg appointed him pastor and professor of philosophy, and later inspector of the French college at Berlin, where he enjoyed considerable reputation as a representative of Cartesianism and as a student of physics.
In 1685 many French refugees settled in Coventry after the religious intolerance associated with the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
This was strictly adhered to till the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
Failure to abide by these terms will lead to revocation of the license.
Revocation of authorisation conferred by Community license because of disability or prospective disability 15C.
Section 50 confers on the patient or the patient 's named person a right to apply to the Tribunal for revocation of the certificate.
Application for revocation succeeded with effect from 6 February 2003.
When a key/userid revocation certificate is submitted to PGP, PGP will place it on the public keyring.
The Registrar has no discretion to exercise in revocation actions, which would allow an unused mark to remain on the Register.
It may still be legal to use the product on the crop during its revocation period.
Professional licenses are also subject to revocation for non-payment of child support.
The information contained within this article refers to when this mortgage lender was in business, prior to the revocation of the license.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 it opened its gates to numerous French refugees; but this hardly compensated it for its losses during the war.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes, and consequent French immigration, gave further impetus to the industry.
About 1686 the European population was increased by a number of the French refugees who left their country on the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
For example, the grounds on which revocation of a patent or invalidation of a trade mark is sought must be set out fully.
The Hearing Officer decided to deal with the revocation proceedings first.
He belonged to a French Protestant family, and was compelled to take refuge in England at the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in 1685.
This encouraged the French Jansenist bishops to press for the revocation of the bull Unigenitus; but the pope commanded its unreserved acceptance.
In this revocation the Apocalyptist saw the menace of a famine of the necessaries of life, while the luxuries would remain unaffected.
His father, Jean Etienne Say, was of a Protestant family which had originally belonged to Nimes, but had removed to Geneva for some time in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) it rose, by 1698, to 16,934.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes he fled to Rotterdam (November 1685), and in 1686 was appointed chaplain to the princess of Dessau, Henrietta Catherine of Orange.