That can be retracted (as a cat's claws)
Often not retractile.
The single prosthomere carries the retractile tentacles as its "parapodia."
In one genus (Polypocephalus) the place of a rostellum is taken by a crown of retractile tentacles.
Another form, Rhopalophorus, has two cephalic tentacles that are retractile and covered with hooks.
They may be defined as aquatic animals, forming colonies by budding; with ciliated retractile tentacles and a U-shaped alimentary canal.
Tentacles retractile into an introvert ("tentacle-sheath").
Bears are five-toed, and provided with formidable claws, which are not retractile, and thus better fitted for digging and climbing than for tearing.
The tongue is generally beset with more or less scaly or velvety papillae and has always a well-marked posterior margin, while the anterior portion may or may not be more or less retractile into the posterior part.
Aeluronyx of Madagascar and Seychelles has cat-like retractile claws.
The antennae are short tubular extensions of the body wall, sometimes retractile with a depressed tip from which protrudes a tuft of fine stiff bristles.
Ploimoidaceae; subconical; corona bilobed; retractile foot absent or ciliated; motile appendages present in two families.
There is also in some genera a median retractile sensory papilla on the dorsal posterior surface above the rectum, not covered by the cuticle.
The claws are large, strongly compressed, sharp, and exhibit the retractile condition in the highest degree, being drawn backwards and upwards into a sheath by the action of an elastic ligament so long as the foot is in a state of repose, but exerted by muscular action when the animal strikes its prey.
The anterior one-quarter or one-third of the body is capable of being retracted into the remainder, as the tip of a glove-finger may be pushed into the rest, and this retractile part is termed the introvert.
Its limbs are long, its hair rough, and its claws blunt and only partially retractile.
The forward-directed exopods either act as valves or form a tube (rarely two tubes), protensile and retractile, for regulating egress of water from the branchial regions.
The mouth parts consist of two small retractile mandibles, of a pair of short palpi and of the toothed probe above mentioned.
The part of the foot which carries the claws is especially retractile, and is generally found more or less telescoped into the proximal part.
All others had easily retractile foreskins and their symptoms resolved.
If there is no evidence of the foreskin becoming retractile, the child should be referred for an outpatient opinion.
They are skilled hunters and their teeth and retractile claws are well designed for capturing and killing their prey.
I was diagnosed a few years ago with a condition called retractile testicles.
Like all the other octopods it has eight arms but also has a pair of retractile tentacles for catching its prey.