The act of retouching.
To improve something (especially a photograph), by adding or correcting details, or by removing flaws.
To colour the roots of hair to match hair previously coloured.
To modify a flint tool by making secondary flaking along the cutting edge.
Airbrushing has been around since the 19th century and was used to retouch paintings.
There are blades, bladelets, several small cores and many struck flakes, a few having light retouch.
To retain maximum resale value of diecast, never retouch paint chips.
Corel PHOTO-PAINT® X3 â This professional image-editing application lets users quickly and easily retouch and enhance photos.
With ImageForge Pro you can retouch photos, create art for web pages, or even produce your own animated pictures.
The large image size makes it easier to edit and retouch an image.
The piece was triangular, of pale gray chert, with fine pressure flaking, and evidence for retouch on the straight edge.
The retouch scars cut the patina suggesting re-working of previously knapped material by later generations.
Make sure your hair color regimen is right for you by speaking to your stylist about how often you'll need to come back for a retouch.
What prevents the work of Surius from being regarded as an improvement upon Lippomano's is that Surius thought it necessary to retouch the style of those documents which appeared to him badly written, without troubling himself about the consequent loss of their documentary value.