To stock again; to resupply with stocks.
Therefore, when the product sells out entirely, the manufacturer will not restock quantities.
Presumably, if they felt there was enough interest, they might be able to restock it.
Possibly the easiest way to restock your card is by setting up a direct deposit or an automatic transfer from your checking account.
Raiding has always been used as a strategy to restock herds during or after a drought.
Stores will pull holiday merchandise from the shelves at the end of January, and then restock them for a special holiday sale mid-July.
They worry about being late, they worry if dinner is overcooked and they worry about whether or not they remembered to restock the medicine cabinet.
Restock your kitchen and pantry with low-fat food options including plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
He will then restock the pantry and refrigerator with fresh food, and teach the families how to prepare wholesome meals with these nutritious ingredients.
The days when supermarket booze was solely purchased to restock the drinks cupboard at home have long gone.
These cows, as breeding cows, will play an important role in helping pastoralists to restock their herds.