The diphenol meta-dihydroxy benzene, used as a mild antiseptic and in many industrial applications; isomeric with catechol and hydroquinone.
In medicine, resorcin, which is official in the United States under the name of resorcinol, was formerly used as an antipyretic, but it has been given up. The dose is 2 to 8 grs.
They offer both henna and non-henna products that contain no ammonia or resorcinol and have a handy decision guide to help you choose the right anti-gray dye product.
Chemical peel kits can contain salicylic acid, resorcinol, sulfur, PPT, and/or phenol.
Resorcinol and sulfur, which are usually combined, keep pores clear and removes excess oil.
Sulfur and resorcinol are other active ingredients often used in conjunction with acne medications.