A determined person; one showing resolution.
Firm, unyielding, determined.
He was resolute in his decision to stay.
Convinced; satisfied; sure.
She entered the room with resolute steps.
But he was not resolute in his opposition.
A resolute shrug indicated his search was futile.
The look of his eyes was resolute, calm, and animatedly alert, as never before.
But Grant was as resolute as ever.
They have always had the reputation of being resolute fighters.
He felt young, bright, adroit, and resolute.
He made a resolute attempt to reconstruct medicine on the two bases of the doctrine of the circulation of the blood and the new views of chemistry.
The contestants were, at least, vintage Countdown material - studious, resolute, utterly oblivious to the camera.
I divined his noble, resolute, self-sacrificing spirit too, she said to herself.
When fate decided against her in the Seven Years' War she bowed to the inevitable, and was thenceforward a resolute advocate of peace.
His resolute opposition to all hypocrisy - whether religious or literary - exposed him to merciless persecution from the Jesuits and the Della Cruscan Academy.
As a rule, the bishops were resolute enemies of the Montanistic enthusiasm.
He is a resolute, but, in his early volumes, harsh and rocky writer.
It was his resolute and energetic leading that contributed mainly to the victory of Spicheren (6th August), and won the only laurels gained on the Prussian right wing at Gravelotte (18th August).
Yet leaderless seditions and the plots of obvious impostors sufficed to make his throne tremble, and a ruler less resolute, less wary, and less unscrupulous might have been overthrown.
The then dangerous state of the seas at all times, and the continuous war with Spain, gave him ample opportunity to gain a reputation as a resolute fighting man.
Roy is absolutely distraught, while Kate is resolute.
The royal duke served for 39 years as Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, as a resolute opponent of military reform.
Yet it too has stood firm, shoulder to shoulder with its neighbors, resolute in its defiance of the Dark.
Grant, astonished perhaps, but here as always resolute, tried again to reach Lee's right wing, and on the 8th another desperate battle began at Spottsylvania Court House.
But a vigorous policy was carried out by France in the West Indies and America, while she began a most resolute attack on the British position in the East Indies.
Whenever it made an effort to enforce its claims, it retreated so soon as it was confronted by a resolute foe.
He shared in all the passions of his party, then excluded from power by the resolute will of George III.
It was understood, indeed, that the relations between the two men were not always harmonious; that Lor4 Palmerstoii disapproved the resolute conduct of Gladstone, and that Gladstone deplored the Conservative tendencies of Lord Palmerston.
All that we know of Burke exhibits him as inspired by a resolute pride, a certain stateliness and imperious elevation of mind.
We notice in him resolute Predestinarianism - as in Luther, and at first in Melanchthon too; the vehicle of revived Augustinian piety - and resolute depotentiation of sacraments, with their definite reduction to two (admittedly the two chief sacraments) - baptism and the Lord's Supper.
Even the most resolute modern orthodoxy usually tries to modify this doctrine.
Far abler and more resolute than against any of these men was Dumouriez, the new minister Austria.
They were the more resolute and unscrupulous.
It was in the calm, resolute, skilful culling of such pleasures as circumstances afforded from moment to moment, undisturbed by passion, prejudices or superstition, that he conceived the quality of wisdom to be exhibited; and tradition represents him as realizing this ideal to an impressive degree.
Tournai, Maastricht, Breda, Bruges and Ghent opened their gates, and finally he laid siege to the great seaport of Antwerp. The town was open to the sea, was strongly fortified, and was defended with resolute determination and courage by the citizens.
The real grandeur of Averroes is seen in his resolute prosecution of the standpoint of science in matters of this world, and in his recognition that religion is not a branch of knowledge to be reduced to propositions and systems of dogma, but a personal and inward power, an individual truth which stands, distinct from, but not contradictory to, the universalities of scientific law.
Abdurrahman III., an Oriental ruler of the great stamp, industrious, resolute, capable of justice, magnificent, and free handed without profusion, was eminently qualified to give all that his people wanted.
A feeble attempt to regain Gibraltar was made in 1733, and a serious war was only averted by the resolute peace policy of Sir Robert Walpole.
In Berkeley we find the resolute determination to accept only the one notion, that of mind as restricted to its own conscious experience, and to attempt by this means to explain the nature of the external reality to which obscure reference is made.
He was never so resolute, never so strong, never so full of volcanic energy, as at present.
If you cannot pay under any circumstances, you must say so and be very resolute.
The working class was the only resolute champion of democracy and vanguard of a democratic revolution.
I was equally resolute that Shirley, being the subject of the test, should reveal his effort first.
Whilst our actions against those who seek to harm our society should be uncompromising and absolutely resolute, they must always be intelligence lead.
She must have known it then, and knowing it, is still resolute.
Their barristers tried to change the Judges ' mind, but the Judges became more resolute.
Fisher pressed, but their pretty passing was confined to midfield as the Dons ' back four stood resolute.
It should not be denied that he did not always escape the pitfalls of such a method of treatment, the faces becoming sleek and prim, with a smirk of sexless religiosity which hardly eludes the artificial or even the hypocritical; on other minds, therefore, and these some of the most masculine and resolute, he produces little genuine impression.
What sweets are we going to have? and Natasha's voice sounded still more firm and resolute.
Griff and Steadman were particularly resolute at the back, but they could only do so much as Ciren threatened to overwhelm them.
No constitutional device can overcome a resolute refusal by a majority of the people to overcome it, outside a totalitarian framework.
With resolute determination and a fearless independence of mind he devoted a lifetime to understand the world in which we live.
Our consistent involvement in the anti-imperialist movement over the years is proof of our resolute opposition to the role of the US.