A soldier who is assigned as reserved; after training, no longer in full active duty.
The more your employer knows about the implications of employing a reservist, the more supportive they are likely to be.
The MOD will send you a letter explaining that you have a reservist working for you.
Later the Irish Republican Army (IRA) killed a former police reservist, Steven Craig, in the same area.
As a former RUC reservist, Billy has campaigned and will continue to campaign for effective policing and sentencing powers.
Reinstatement After mobilization, you are obliged to reinstate a former Reservist employe in their old job.
The reservist 's award is paid in arrears at the end of each calendar month.
Employers are also entitled to various forms of financial support during a Reservist 's absence.
The more your employer knows about the implications of employing a Reservist, the more supportive they are likely to be.
The MOD will send you a letter explaining that you have a Reservist working for you.
Reservist employees are unlikely to have many special requirements or to generate additional paperwork.
As a former RUC Reservist, Billy has campaigned and will continue to campaign for effective policing and sentencing powers.
Homeowners who are on active military duty or a reservist called to active duty can receive special help based on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
They must be active military, reservist, retired or family members of such persons.
People interested in serving as a reservist can be between the ages of 17-39.