The political ideology of being a citizen in a state as a republic under which the people hold popular sovereignty.
He preached republicanism to her by the hour, and even locked her up in her bedroom to reflect on his sermons.
From 1824 to 1840 there is a complicated and not uninteresting movement of local politics and a preparation for the future, - the missions fall, republicanism grows, the sentiment of local patriotism becomes a political force, there is a succession of sectional controversies and personal struggles among provincial chiefs, an increase of foreign commerce, of foreign immigration and of foreign influence.
In these circumstances Republicanism rapidly gained ground.
Civic republicanism is fundamentally an egalitarian form of politics.
He found in Washington's attitude - as in Hamilton's failure to pay an instalment of the moneys due France - an "Anglified complexion," in direct opposition to the popular sympathy with France and French Republicanism.
The pope (Paul II.) viewed these proceedings with suspicion, as savouring of paganism, heresy and republicanism.
He sat at first on the Extreme Left; but his philosophic and critical temperament was not in harmony with the recklessness of French radicalism, and his attitude towards political questions underwent a steady modification, till the close of his life saw him the foremost representative of moderate republicanism.
According to Brunnow, King William, by using his influence to secure the passage of the Reform Bill, had cast his crown into the gutter; the throne might endure for his lifetime, but the next heir was a young and inexperienced girl, and, even were the princess Victoria ever to mount the thronewhich was unlikely she would be speedily swept off it again by the rising tide of republicanism.
The First Republic was born from below under the pressure of anti-fascist republicanism and the communist partisans.
Ultimately, I think Unionism is an extremely reactionary set of political ideas; I think that about Republicanism in some ways too.
It was the same notorious argument used by the Socialist Workers Party when it opposed republicanism being included in the policies of Respect.
It is sad to see it taken over, and sadder still to see republicanism win such an easy victory.
Any alliance has to involve compromises and we compromised on this issue, but we are unable to compromise our socialist republicanism indefinitely.
All in recent years have suffered at the hands of violent republicanism.
Does this perhaps suggest that revolutionary republicanism was a mere specter?
Last year, Mr Adams spoke of an end to " physical force republicanism " .
Critics might argue that the process was a sham, based upon a tactical repositioning of republicanism which proved extremely short-lived.
Ultimately, I think unionism is an extremely reactionary set of political ideas; I think that about Republicanism in some ways too.
Republicanism was now everywhere discouraged.
Although a minor figure in the conspiracy, Tira-dentes was made the scapegoat of the thirtytwo men arrested and sent to Rio de Janeiro for trial, and posterity has made him the proto-martyr of republicanism in Brazil.
His warm reception in France and his enthusiastic Republicanism, however, displeased the Federalists at home; he did nothing, moreover, to reconcile the French to the Jay treaty (see JAY, John), which they regarded as a violation of the French treaty of alliance of 1778 and as a possible casus belli.
The fact, moreover, that although he had some speculative tendencies in favour of popular liberties, and even perhaps of republicanism, he represented no real political principle, inevitably weakened his position, and when the break up of the Fronde came he was left in the lurch, having more than once in the meanwhile been in no small danger from his own party.
Miguel united every reactionary element throughout the kingdom in a last unsuccessful stand against constitutional government; (b) From 1834 to 1853 the main problem for Portuguese statesmen was whether the constitution, now accepted as inevitable, should embody the radical ideas of 1822 or the moderate ideas of 1826; (c) From 1853 to 1889 there was a period of transition marked by the rise of three new parties - Progressive, Regenerator, Republican; (d) From 1889 to 1908 the Progressives and Regenerators monopolized the control of public affairs, but the strength of Republicanism was not to be gauged by its representation in the cortes.
Connolly understood socialism in Ireland as standing in, carrying on and developing the tradition of republicanism established by the United Irishmen.
Within Ireland the killings resulted in a dramatic increase in support for Republicanism in general and the IRA in particular.
Last year, Mr Adams spoke of an end to " physical force republicanism ".
Republicanism has its own resurrection men that lie in the unquiet graves of the ' fenian dead '.
Like his father-in-law, Thrasea Paetus, he was distinguished for his ardent and courageous republicanism.
His association with the Girondins nearly involved him in their fall, in spite of his vigorous republicanism.
In 1793 Sir John Scott was promoted to the office of attorney-general, in which it fell to him to conduct the memorable prosecutions for high treason against British sympathizers with French republicanism, - amongst others, against the celebrated Horne Tooke.
At length, in the 12th century, the inevitable conflict came between the republicanism of the Lombard cities and the German feudalism which still claimed their allegiance in the name of the Empire.
In 1831 he was removed from active duty in consequence of his declared republicanism, but in 1832 he was recalled to the service and sent to Algeria.
His hereditary republicanism recommended him to the government of national defence, by which he was entrusted in 1870 with the task of organizing resistance in the departments of the Eure, Calvados and Seine Inferieure, and made prefect of the last named in January 1871.
There he became a convert from republicanism to monarchism, being convinced that only under the auspices of King Victor Emmanuel could Italy be freed, and together with Giorgio Pallavicini and Giuseppe La Farina he founded the Societd Nazionale Italiana with the object of propagating the idea of unity under the Piedmontese monarchy.
Why did he not support republicanism in the 1920s?
I think that we need to make republicanism a long term campaign issue.
There is no need for working class leadership or militant republicanism.
Ken Loach tells Stuart Jeffries what he thinks of critics of his film about Irish republicanism.
The UAR was founded on the basis of increasing military co-operation against Israel, promoting secular republicanism, and economic independence.
He took an active part in the revolution of July 1830, and continuing to maintain the doctrine of republicanism during the reign of Louis Philippe, was condemned to repeated terms of imprisonment.
Republicanism, however, gained ground, especially among the aristocracy.
Finally there was a real growth of republicanism, and some rulers - notably Victoria - were wholly out of sympathy with anything but personal, military rule.
But, though he was an ardent politician (having from his childhood embraced republicanism and a peculiar variety of romantic free-thought), he was first of all a man of letters and an inquirer into the history of the past.
But the mass of the people, and especially the rural population, sick of revolution, and weary even of the moderate republicanism of Cavaignac, were anxious for a stable government.
He had exchanged his moderate republicanism for radical views before he became war minister in the cabinet of Leon Bourgeois (1895-1896).
Some hopes of employment which he had after the revolution of February were frustrated by the reputation of speculative republicanism which he had acquired.
With liberty of conscience during the Revolution, from 1868 to 1877, the Church lost ground, and anti-clerical ideas prevailed for a while in the centres of republicanism in Catalonia and Andalusia; but a reaction set in with the Restoration.
The success of his sketch for the picture of the "Oath of the Tennis Court," and his pronounced republicanism, secured David's election to the Convention in September 1792, by the Section du Museum, and he quickly distinguished himself by the defence of two French artists in Rome who had fallen into the merciless hands of the Inquisition.
The court party became the Loyalist party, standing for law as against rebellion, monarchy and the union of the empire as against republicanism; the popular party became the patriot party, determined to stand on its rights at any cost.
Marat despised the ruling party because they had suffered nothing for the republic, because they talked too much of their feelings and their antique virtue, because they had for their own virtues plunged the country into war; while the Girondins hated Marat as representative of that rough red republicanism which would not yield itself to a Roman republic, with themselves for tribunes, orators and generals.