A violent separation of parts.
To separate into parts with force or sudden violence; to split; to burst
Lightning rends an oak.
To part or tear off forcibly; to take away by force; to amputate.
To be rent or torn; to become parted; to separate; to split.
Relationships may rend if tempers flare.
On all other elements, the rend attribute is optional.
It was followed by a roaring crash that seemed to rend the very heavens.
The atomic weight of the element was determined by C. Winkler by analysis of the pure chloride GeCl4, the value obtained being 72.32, whilst Lecoq de Boisbaudran (Comptes rend us, 1886, 103, 45 2), by a comparison of the lines in the spark spectrum of the element, deduced the value 72.3.
Mourners traditionally tear, or rend, a piece of their clothing upon hearing news of a loved one's death.
The reign of " Thorough " was collapsing, and the forces pent up since 1629 were soon to rend the fabric of the state.
They seemed about to rend the land in twain, but they really cured the English of their desperate particularism, and drove all the tribes to take as their common rulers the one great line of native kings which survived the Danish storm, and maintained itself for four generations cf desperate fighting against the invaders.
Accordingly, in an access of pious rage, as it were, they turn upon reason to rend her.
When it was thought sufficient to say with Boileau that Corneille excited, not pity or terror, but admiration which was not a tragic passion; or that "D'un seul nom quelquefois le son dur ou bizarre Rend un poeme entier ou burlesque ou barbare;" when Voltaire could think it crushing to add to his exposure of the "infamies" of Theodore - " apres cela comment osons-nous condamner les pieces de Lope de Vega et de Shakespeare?"
Know that in all your pangs that rend the heart, the loving Savior has a part.
And lands will crack and rend anew You think it strange.
How is it that her sighings did not rend thy walls apart?
Let us beware of tinkering with our inner life in hope ourselves to rend the veil.
I swear by the falling of stars; The Moon [54.1] The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder.
Somerset turned in time to see the mansion rend in twain, vomit forth flames and smoke, and instantly collapse into its cellars.
Sir Thomas More, the greatest of them, was actually driven into reaction by the violence of Protestant controversialists, and the fear that the new doctrines would rend the church in twain.